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After a good fifteen to twenty minutes to trying to get through the crowds of students and parents rushing around trying to get last-minute school supplies before the new school year starts, did Harry reach Hipswitch's Wand Wonderland.

He quickly darted in and sighed in relief at the warm, homely, warmth the shop gave off and slowly walked up to the front desk, with the memory of getting his wand with Hagrid playing through his head. 

"HI!" a very high pitched, exited voice yelled, snapping Harry back into reality

"Hi, I am looking for a new wand" he said and pulled out his current and handed it to her

"Why would you need a new one? This one is in perfect working condition" She said and picked up the wand and was inspecting it closely

"I came into my creature Inheritance" he said and blush at the bright smile that came to her face

"Well, congratulations! What type of creature are you, if I may ask?" she asked making sure to not step over any boundaries

"I would love to tell you, but I was told not to trust anyone" he said feeling both ashamed and cautious at telling her what he was

"That's fine sweetheart. I will need you to come with me though" she said and opened a section of the desk and allowed Harry into the backroom 

"So what I'll be doing is placing different components of a wand, in front of your hand and the ones that light up, move or glow I will place aside so I know what I'll be working with. This allows you to have a wand that is a perfect match for your magical core." she said pulling out different components and placing them on a coffee table in front of a recliner chair, gesturing for Harry to sit down on it.

"Okay, these are the types of wood we can use for wands, please touch each piece of wood" she said and harry did as instructed as Dorathia said each wood name has Harry touched them



"Dark Oak"



"Dark Yew" and that's the wood that stuck to Harry's hand, almost like the first broom he picked up in Madame Hootch's flying class in his first year "Interesting. The dark yew wood is mostly associated with dark magic and powerful wizards and not a common wood used for wands as it's not that flexible" she said taking the piece of wood away from Harry's hand and placed it on a coffee table closes to her

"Now for the core, my favourite part!" she squealed and clapped her hands together before removing the wood with a wave of her hand. She rushes over to a different shelf and comes back to placed clear jars with the different core's inside of them with Harry repeated the same process of running his opened hand over the tops as Dorathia said the core types

"Dragon Heartstring. Interesting. Not many people attract that heartstring" she said and when to get up to get the next set, when another core lit up like the sun, causing her attention to stare at the boy infant of her "That's Unicorn Hair......Dragon Heartstring and Unicorn hair are not meant to be paired together as they are highly reactive and can cause the wand user to go mad or explode. You must be a strong wizard Mr Potter." She said, and placed the two core's aside and pulled out accessories.

"You can choose some accents to accessaries. These will help regulate the flow of magic from your core to the tip of your wand, where the magic is released from" Dorathia explained when hse noticed Harry's confused face

"I want it to look like my old one, as to no draw any attention to it, but what will most suit it?" he asked, looking down at the different accessories

"I can put some design at the end of the wand and a gem so it will be concealed with your hand when you hold it and will stop your wand from exploding from the sheer power of it." Dorathia explained with a wide smile on her face 

"When will my wand be ready?" he asked and she mulled it over and looked at the pieces then started counting with her fingers

"At about 2:30 and then we can discuss pricing when you come to pick it up" she smiled and watched him leave out the door "Go and entertain yourself until then" she said and shut the door behind him

"Okay....Bye?" he said in a really confused state. With that, he pulled out his school supply list and went around gathering his supplies, which were a couple of books, a new cauldron because Petunia thought was a good idea to cook a stew in and it exploded when she put the Vegetables in.

Harry arrived back at the store at ten past three and saw her leaning on the counter playing with her wand

"Hello" Harry said with a smile as she looked up and gave him a bright smile and scurried over to a long brown box and brought it back to his and placed it in front of him 

"Okay so your wand is 10 inches of dark yew wood, with dragon heartstring and unicorn hair core and it looks like your old want, except we have some snakes on the end with a ruby to help the flow" She explained and pointed to the different parts of the wand

"Why do I get a ruby?" he asked and she smirked a knowing smirk

"Thats because it the colour of yours and your mates aura" she said and giggled at Harrys shocked expression "I can see aura's" she smiled 

"Thank you so much. How much do I owe you?" he asked taking out his bag that connects to his own personal vault

"15 Galleons" she said and handed the wand over and took the money from Harry's outstretched hand and put it into the register off to the side 

"Have a good day!" she yelled and waved to the boy as he left and he waved back and found the nearest available fireplace and flued back to Grimmauld Place with his new wand and school supplies safely in his pocket

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