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To say the past week has been interesting is an understatement. So much has happened in the short seven days confused even Professor Dumbledore (if he were still alive) wouldn't even understand, and I know for a fact that you wanna know what was so confusing about the past week. Make yourselves comfortable, grab some popcorn, go to the bathroom before hand and grab a drink while you are at it, because shits about to happen.

Day 1

As promised, Harry, Fred, George, Draco, Hermione, Ginny and Ron all sat down the next morning after breakfast (witch consisted of hateful glares and snears), in the 8th Year common room, choosing to ditch class, well "choosing" meaning that both Draco and Hermione protesting loudly and lecturing all of them (mainly Harry and Ron "the dangerous duo" as Hermione calls them) 'how grateful they should be to have the opportunity to complete their schooling' blah blah blah.

"Okay you start, since you wanted to talk to us in the first place" Fred said and gave his siblings a sharp glare while George was keeping a watchful eye out incase they decided to do something rash.

"How about you explain yourself first" Ron bit back with a disgusted look on his face when he saw his two older brothers cuddling his nemesis and best friend.

"Nope, we're not talking until you talk first" George fort back

"Well either will we" Ginny said buck and huffed stubbornly and turned her head away from the four mates and after a good 10 minutes of silence did someone, or rather two people get fed up with it

"OKAY! THAT'S IT!!!!" Hermione and Draco yelled

"If all that is going to happen is silence, then Hermione and I would like to return to class" Draco said standing next to the girl, with his arms crossed over his chest and all the two got in return was silence witch they both huffed at, pick up their book bags and walked out of the common room together

"Honestly" The frustrated girl huffed at "I don't see what the big deal is" She continued to rant to Draco "It's not like Fred and George are going to fuck one another and get the bottom pregnant" he continued "and so what if you and the Weasley's are distantly related, WE'RE ALL FRIGGEN RELATED!" she yelled fed up

"Well it looks like we've missed most of our first lesson, how about a trip to the library for a catch up, before we head off to Potions" Draco said linking his arms with the frazzled girl

"I'm liking the sound of that" she smiled "It's nice having someone around who cares about their grades and future as much as I do" she smiled at the taler blond

"Well I'm not just going to be given a job because I helped or killed Voldemort" Draco said rolling his eyes making his companion giggle "It's going to be hard getting the job i want, but i know if I work hard enough I can get there, witch means nothing but O's in every subject" he continued as Hermione nodding along

"I definitely agree, i was offered to do an internship at the Minestry, but I declined because i wanted to get the Internship by my self, as me, not just Hermione Granger, Harry Potter's best friend" she explained and Draco smiled at her

"You know Granger, your not half bad for a muggle-born" Draco laughed as they entered the library and their laughs died down as Madame Prince gave them a look that could make Voldemort cower away in fear.

Mean while in the 8th year common room, the silence and hatred between the four boys and single girl couldn't be cut with a butchers knife.

"I miss you Ron" Harry started, trying to get his friend to calm down, witch worked

"I miss you too mate, but you need to relise-' he started but stoped when Harry rolled his eyes

"It's not like your brothers are going to fuck one another" Harry said "they are only going to fuck Draco and I and I know that you and the Malfoy's share the same blood, but so do we Ron and so do you and Snape" Harry ranted on "We all have the same blood, we share the same blood as Dragons, giants, even muggles. We all have the same components, why cant you see that" Harry finished with his head down, thoughts running through his head that he could loose his first and best friend how he is going to answer Harry

"You don't know?" Ginny asked with a smug look on her face

"Know what?" Harry asked and he could see Fred and George shuffling uncomfortably

"They do fuck each other, I've seen them" with cause everyone to stare at Ginny wide eyed and slightly discusted

"Thats gross, just as bad as you saying that the two brothers did to the unspeakable with each other" Ron said staring at his sister in disgust

"NOT LIKE THAT!" she yelled back a blush covering face, maker her resemble a tomato "I heard them" she said trying to change it but everyone knew she was lying so she just huffed "can we get back to their relationship please!" she rushed out wanting the attentions away from her

"Yes, we experimented when we were younger, but we know what each other likes and how to please our mates. You, on the other hand has fucked every boy in 7th year in Ravenclaw and Huffelpuff, so I would going around preaching about this shit" George responded and smirked at his younger siblings faces

"How-?" Ginny started to ask but got cut off

"We have our was sister" Fred responded and high fived his brother when the two stormed out

After several long hours of Fred, George and Harry just sitting around and talking, did Draco and Hermione return with satisfied smiles on their faces, but that quickly changed when they saw the lack of red heads

"What. The. Fuck" Draco asked harshly making his makes cower away in a state of fear and panic

"Where did they go?" Hermione asked, not bothering to ask what happened

"Away" George simply said making Hermione roll her eyes and huff in annoyance

"Why do we have to fix any relationships with those numpties" Fred asked "they will never move past the fact that we're happy and they probably never will be" he continued and brought a hand up to inspect his nails

"Because they're your family" Draco said with a sad smile on his face "because coming from someone who had no family for a long time, it suck not having one and when you see them every day, but not able to talk to them, slowly starts to kill you" he said and sat down near his mates

"I know they're being rude and close minded, but not only are they your family, but Harry's as well, and are you willing to separate him from them?" Hermione tried to reason with them

"We're not going to force you to make amends, but just think about it"

And with that Hermione left with a fare well, and Draco left to take a nice bath wile his mate were left in the sitting room to think about their words

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