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Harry leapt up from his spot on the bench and immediately wrapped him in the tightest hug possible.

"Hey! I see you found your last mate" Sirius said noticing the alarming shade of blond, that he knows wasn't there when the three boys left a day or so ago.

"Yea, Draco, Sirius Black, Sirius, Draco Malfoy" Harry said smiling when Draco gave the man a sheepish smile

"Your Luicy and Cissy's Son, right?"  Sirius asked and smiled as the blond blushed and nodded, witch, caused Sirius to place his foot on the bench, then the other on the table, trying not to step on the chicken drumsticks that Ron, was Trying to reach out to get, but missed and stepped on the redheads hand, which was crushed, along with the chicken and he squished in-between George and Draco and turned to face him

"Your mother and I are cousins" Sirius grinned at Dracos shocked face "and I'm guessing by that action, you didn't know that" Sirius said, his mood deflating a little

"No, she only ever talked about Belatrix" Draco muttered and Sirius tilted his head, much like a dog would do, Draco noticed

"That's interesting because she had another sister, Andromeda" Sirius said and gave the blond a curious look "Has she not told you of your Black lineage?" he asked

"No, she doesn't really talk about it" Draco said frowning at the table, feeling betrayed

"Well I'll be more than happy to teach you" Sirius smiled and pulled the blond into a hug 

"so that means your my second cousin?" Draco asked trying to put pieces together

"Yep, and my son, Teddy, is your younger cousin" Sirius said with a proud smile on his face, much like when a father talk about his son

"I HAVE A COUSIN?!" Draco yelled excited and hugged the elder male tighter "WILL I GWT TO MEET HIM?!" He continued to yell into the man's ear

"Over the Christmas break" a different voice piped up, for next to Harry, which made him jump into the arms of the new person

"REAMY!" Sirius yelled delighted to see his mate

"Hello Sirius" Remus said keeping his Professor face and attitude in check, but wanted to so hard to smile and launch himself into his Dominats arms "Harry, I'm going to let you out of my arms" He said and placed the boy back into his seat and motioned with his head for Sirius to follow him

"Well, got to go, talk to you all later" He said and followed the taller man out the great hall doors that shut with a great big boom, and the conversation in the hall started up again, all the students talking about what just happened with an ex-convict and their DADA/Care for magical creatures Professor.

Out side, however, Sirius had Remus trapped against the wall, his arms coming up and trapping the werewolves head and Remus had his fingers tangled in the others long black curly locks.

"Sirius" Remus said pulling the other's hair so he can talk to Sirius before things get to heated, but all the pulling did was cause the other male to moan rather loudly

"Keep doing what you're doing and ill make sure you won't come tonight" Sirius threatened which made the Sub whimper 

"But, I need to know what you did with Teddy" He said witch caused the Dom to move his hands from the wall to the others ass and squeeze it, and not in a pleasant way

"He's in our room, with Dobby looking out for him, and what did I just say?" Sirius said smacking the other bum as a small and final warning

"Sorry" Remus apologised and allowed Sirius to continue to grope and kiss him "can we take this to my Room though?" Remus asked witch caused the other to hum appreciatively and pull away and grasp his hand and drag him to the private room all the teachers get

Back into the great hall, the four mates were finishing up their lunch and heading out, but not without Ron chasing after his brothers, which he noticed Fred holding Malfoy's hand and his best mate

"OI! You lot!" Ron yelled as the door closed with its normal big thud behind as they shut

"Yes Brother dear" Fred asked as they all turned around to see a red-faced redhead glaring at them

"Something the matter?" George asked smirking as the younger Weasley's face started to get even redder

"Why the bloody hell are you being all touchy-feely with Malfoy?" Ron asked and smirked seeing the blonds happy go free attitude drop back to his small enclosed one 

"He's a Death Eater and the cause of the war to start earlier then expected" Ron said making Draco's breathing starting to get more rapid as he started getting flashbacks, which in turn caused Fred to growl and George to hiss, as they both stood infant of the, now, hyperventilating blond. While Harry pulled Draco into his arms and hugged him close, almost like he was using his body as a barrier against the flashbacks. 

"Come on guys, you know what he's done, he was the one that killed Dumbledore, don't you remember anything that has happened in the past three/four years?" Ron asked astonished that his brothers would stand up and protect someone so vile and scummy

"Ron, I suggest you leave-"

"Before you make us do something we will-"

"Regret latter on" they said alternating between themselves and finishing the end of the sentence together, witches cause Ron to finch slightly at his brother's tone and the murderous look in their eyes and as Ron looked away he noticed the crowd that was forming around the five of them

"He's got you all under the imperious curse!" Ron gasped witch, in turn, made everyone else gasp and just as he was about to continue his ridiculous rant, Hermione, god bless her, pushed through the crowed surrounding the five boys and slapped the youngest brother on the ack of his head with her Accent Ruens text book.

"Ronald Billius Weasley!" the girl shrieked, sounding a lot like Mrs Weasley "What do you think you are doing?" she continued, witch seemed to knock some sense into the crowd and they left, not wanting to be in Ron's position right now 

"You have just embarrassed not only yourself, but your families good nature that its famous for, but also embarrassed the Gryffindor house as a whole! You have been acting more and more like a close-minded fuck nugget these past few days then anyone I've ever seen!" she continues to screech and the four mates knew that it was time for them to go, and they headed off towards their dorm to show their new addition around and make sure he's comfortable with everything. 

The further away they got from the arguing couple, the quieter the voice of Hermione got, but it seemed that the halls carried her voice very well, which could be heard from the moving staircase.

As the four made it to their room, Draco had calmed down a lot and even started getting his happy attitude back, remembering what his father was talking about. Then a different thought struck him......What would his mother think about his sexuality, after all, she has been trying to set up an arranged marriage with the Greengrass girl, Astronomy? Atsronima? the youngest girl the family had and his mood flattened again.

"Well it's not much, but I'm sure you'll like it here" Harry said, bringing Draco out of his thoughts and the blond smiled, embarrassed and ashamed that he wasn't paying attention to what his mate was saying

"Anyway, it's not like-"

"We're going to live here-"

"For the rest of our lives." Fred and Gorge said, trying to get Draco to smile and show his dazzling white teeth to the three of them and all the blond did was a nod and numbly walk towards the bed and flopped down on it staring at the ceiling.

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