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The newly found mates walked into the kitchen to see an interesting sight. Remus was sitting on the countertop with Sirius standing in between his legs, with his arms wrapped around the pale man's waist as they were smiling at each other.

Hermione was red-faced with anger and frustration while yelling at Ron who was also red-faced but with embarrassment and frustration.

Mrs Weasley was running around everyone trying to set the table for the meal her and Remus made for lunch while Mr Weasley was sitting at the head of the table, acting as if he owns the house


"The hell-"

"Is going on-"

"In here?!"Fred and George screamed 

"Is it true? That you three are mates?"Ron asked witch caused everyone to stop what they are doing and started the three partners

"Yes" Fred and George said proudly and the room went that quiet that you could hear a quill hit the floor

"That's disgusting" Arthur said as Ron was nodding along with his father while Hermione gave Ron the most disappointed and hat filled look she could send his way

"Arthur-"Molly started but was cut off by her husband 

"No Molly this is a disgrace" he said as Molly just rolled her eyes at how dramatic her husband is being

"I remember the fling you had with Lucius Malfoy in our 6th year Arther" Sirius piped up and everyone gasped in horror "and you stoped your 'secret' meetings even when you found out that the Weasley's and Malfoy are distantly related to the Malfoy's" the ex-convict with a smirk on his face when he saw the embarrassment on Arthur's face. 

"You swore you wouldn't tell anyone!" he hissed and that when everything clicked in everyone's mind with the temper, trying to be the better and the long line of countless Gryfindore's that have been in that family

"Stop being so dramatic" Sirius huffed, moving away from his boyfriend "A lot of the older pureblood families are related in some way or another" he continued to explain to the very tense room "and incase you three are worried this is some form of incest, it's not because that type of thing ended several millennia ago and Fred and George being related to Draco is the same as humans being related to pigs" Sirius continued to rattle on trying to make the situation better

"Back on topic" Remus piped up, ignoring the feeling he gets when Sirius starts rattling off facts like that

"The topic of Dad being a hypocrite?" George asked and placed his hand on Harry's shoulder.

Remus just sighed and hopped off the table

"Harry, George, Fred please come with me" and pulled the three into the lounge room "Have you talked about your......predicament?" the elder male asked and the two redheads shook their head. 

"Not entirely, we were going to talk more, but we got distracted" Fred said and Harry blushed a deep red

"Just be warned George, two weeks" he said and stalked back into the kitchen. Before Fred and George walk back into the room, Harry pulled them back and made sure that they were all facing eachother 

"You have creature blood" Harry said and the two nodded slowly "Why the hell didn't you tell me sooner? and why did I have to find out through my godfather's boyfriend? " Harry whisper yelled at the elder men

"We were going to tell you when you woke up, but we assumed you might want a good meal before we get down to the more serious stuff" George said his voice quivering like his legs were doing at the moment 

"And like we told Remus, we got distracted by a very sexy mate" Fred said trying to butter Harry up and get him to forgive them both

"DOn't try sweet-talking me, Fred Weasley" Harry hissed and turned on the spot and headed back to the kitchen "This isn't over, we are going to talk about this later and in our room" Harry said and the twins nodded their heads vigorously, scurrying after their mate and sat down after pulling out his chair for the raging Faelor.

"Okay so can someone tell me what the bloody hell is going on?" Ron asked trying to make sense of everything (despite finding out the fact his family and the Malfoy family are related and his dad used to have a thing for the elder Malfoy)

"Harry, Fred, myself, and some other person are all mates" George explained slowly 

"So does that mean you have a creature inheritance, Harry?" Hermione asked looking the smaller male up and down seeing if she can spot any of the differences

"No, I'm just the same I was over a year ago. Well excluding the fact we were running across Britain" he said causing bother Ron and Hermione to chuckle

"So then what are Fred and George?" Hermione asked seeing if she can get any information out of them so she can report it back to her leader

"Nothing of your concern" George said before Fred could tell them anything

"It is. What if Harry got hurt-" she tried harder but was interrupted by Fred, who caught on to who his brother was doing

"He won't get hurt, but it's not like you would care anyway" Fred said back, which caused everyone, especially Harry, to gasp

"What do you mean Fred?" Sirius asked glairing at the witch with pure rage

"With all the times Harry's been to the hospital, neither Ron, Hermione or Ginny visited him" He said starting to get angry

"What?" Harry and Remus gasped and Harry on the edge of tears

"But in my third year when I fell off my broom" Harry said completely heartbroken with his friends

"We had to drag them to the wing " George continued softly, choosing his words cearfuly on which piped Harry over the edge and he got up from his seat and fled the kitchen completely forgetting about lunch, with Remus hot on his heels

"" Sirius said which froze everyone

"Y-you can't do that, Dumbledore owns the house" Arthur protested 

"No he doesn't, Harry does, and until Harry finishes his schooling, then he can live here, I will continue to be the owner. Now get out before I force you too!" he said pointing towards the door

"Wait until Dumbledore finds out about this" Hermione hissed and the family of redheads left, and Molly giving her two remaining children a hug and a kiss, but left with her husband and the rest of her offspring. 

Upstairs Harry was sobbing into Remus' shirt as the werewolf held him close and shushed him quietly

"It's going to be okay pup" He said, to try and reassure Harry

"They were my friends all these years and I find to they never actually cared about me" he said as Remus continued the rocking motion.

"Then they're missing out. You are a very wonderful, forgiving boy with a heart of gold and were to good for them" he said trying to calm the boy down "I know your hurting, and are feeling betrayal right now, but you have to jump over this hurdle and keep on running" Remus said, slipping into his muggle/teacher side witch caused a small giggle to come from Harry's mouth

"When did you become so wise?" the younger male asked which the elder smiled down at him

"I've always been wise" he said and brushed his nose up against Harry's in a loving way, which most would associate a mother comforting her cub

"Well I'm sure you animagus would have been an owl then" Harry said hugging the male and laying his head on his chest and inhaling the motherly sent coming off the werewolf

"I'm sure it would have been" he said and moved over to Harry's bed so he can lay them both down, so the Moomy and cub could cuddle

"Awwww" a voice came through the room, breaking the silence and bonding time "look at the cub and it's Moomy" Sirius taunted but still had a very happy twinkle in his eye

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