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~Laf's POV~ 
I slowly open my eyes, squinting at the bright light ahead of me and the loud beeping next to me. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes.
Mornings are terrible, we should not have to wake up this early to go to a hell hole.

I slid out of bed and my feet touched the cold floor. Shivers were sent up my spine but I continued out of my room and down the stairs to the kitchen. "Maman?" I asked slowly, my voice still husky from just waking up.
"Oui?" She said sweetly. My mom has always been too sweet, she used to let my father walk all over her, but I stood up to him.

"Je vais aller à l'école aujourd'hui"
"D'accord, Gilly." She said, smiling brightly.
I rolled my eyes at the nickname, going upstairs to change.

I grabbed my bag as I headed out the front door, my long lets quickly taking me to the close by demented-insane asylum that Americans call a school.

I walked into the hallways, not looking for my friends today. What Alexander did was not fair to Jefferson. Just because he's Alex's enemy doesn't mean he isn't human, he too has feelings. 
Even if they're very subtle at first.

I walked into my first-period class, History. I see a strange figure in the corner-
Is that Jefferson?
The figure is wearing a magenta hoodie and looks depressed, and fairly tall. The clues added up but I wasn't positive.
I sneakily waited for the classroom to get a filled a bit more, so I had a reason to randomly sit down in the seat next to him. I walked to the seat next to him at the very back of the class and sat down, keeping my eyes on the front of the class for the first 5 minutes.

I slowly looked over, seeing the figure doodling on his arm with a marker. Same skin tone, most likely Jefferson.
I felt bad for him, he didn't deserve what James did to him, he must have been so in love.

Class ended without me even realizing, I probably would've stayed there til the second period if the teacher hadn't tapped me and told me my class was over.
I sighed and walked out into the halls, seeing a certain Magenta figure and a cheater.

Oui, Oui - LaffersonWhere stories live. Discover now