CHAPTER TWO -Stuck In The 1990's

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Sorry if their are minor errors in my work....

I'll try and fix them when I can

so anyways please enjoy this chapter..........................

CHAPTER TWO -Stuck In The 1990's

 "Mom, I had this weird dream we were witches and death eaters wanted to kill us then we disapparated to Godric's hollow." I said sleepily trying my best to keep my eyes open. After a couple of minutes I finally opened my eyes. My vision was blurry but it slowly sharpened. I yawned sleepily and slowly got up. Great. Just great I thought sarcastically as I looked around the living room.

Fact number one was it was already morning. Fact number two we were still in our house in Godric's hollow. Fact number three was Mom's time turner shattered and bits of glass and sand were scattered around her.

"Mom, Wake up!" I said while trying to my unconscious mom awake but then she didn't seem to be moving. Anxious, I checked if she was breathing hopefully she was. I shook her again but she still did not move. I finally gave up my shaking method and moved the second option. I went to the kitchen to find a pail and filled it with water. I returned to the living being careful enough to not spill the water on the floor. I sprinkled some of the water on mom's face. She still wasn't moving.

I finally gave up and disposed the last of the water into the kitchen sink. I decided to roam around the house and think about last night. There was something different in the house it was clean and looked like the way it once was. This was certainly confusing; why was I seeing what the house was before? Then all of a sudden realization slapped in the face.

Of course! How could I be so stupid!

I closed my eyes trying to remember what happened last night.

The death eater pointed his wand at us. "Stupefy" he yelled. Like a flash of lightning mom threw herself in front of me.

"Protego!" she yelled. But it was too late mom was hit by the stunning spell and we were sucked into the past by her time- turner.

I quickly ran into the living room and sat beside where my mom layed stunned. I carefully tried to take out her wand out of her hand but it was stuck there like it was super glued. After fifteen minutes or so I successfully pulled out her wand from her frozen hand.

"Rennervate" I muttered pointing the wand back at the owner. Red light flashed from the tip of the wand hitting my mom.

She gasped loudly making jump in surprise.

"Mom, you’re OK!" I said happily and hugged her tightly.

"Agh! Easy there" Mom exclaimed while hugging me back "The Time-Turner?" She asked then released me from her hug.

"It's over there" I said pointing at the spot where we landed.

My mom walked over to the spot I pointed and carefully picked up the broken time- turner and examined it.

CRASH An owl flew through the open window beside me and dropped a letter on my head and flew back outside.

"Who's it from?" Mom asked. I looked at the letter. It had no other writings on it just my name. I nervously tore the mystery letter open.

“‘Dear Ms. Black,' " I read.” 'We have retrieved intelligence that a counter spell of the Stunning Charm was used at your place of residence this morning at forty- five minutes past ten.

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