CHAPTER FOUR- Dinner with Dumbledore

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CHAPTER FOUR-Dinner with Dumbledore

It has been three hours. I've been reading my school books for a while, actually I've been studying them like I have a test tomorrow. The truth is I've been reading them because I got bored an hour later after mom locked me in my room and put an anti-hearing charm all over the door so I wouldn't eavesdrop. My mom and a professor were having an ultimately serious conversation downstairs about who knows what. Of course being an underage witch I had to keep out the adult’s only conversation.

So my mom most likely locks me in my room to invade their private conversation. I even tried using alohamora on the door but mom must've known I knew the dor unlocking charm and jinxed the door to be only opened the caster. So here I am paced around my room waiting for the extremely long and private conversation to end.

I let Shado out her cage and let her roam around over the setting sun. She'd be most likely back before the sky gave up it's last light.

I stopped pacing around my room and decided to wrap Harry's present which were: A quill that could correct your writing, some dungbombs that had a note attached to it saying: When life gives you lemons, just throw them at Dudley! And a note that said happy birthday from me and my mom. After I finished wrapping his present I place it on my desk and waited for Shado to come back from her trip outside.

I placed my drawing of an owl earlier drawing on the wall above my desk and put a sticking charm on it so it wouldn't fall off the wall. I thought how someday I the wall above my desk would be filled with my drawings if the second war didn't destroy this house and this particular wall.

I took out my wand from my jeans pocket and played with it by producing butterflies of every colorwhich turned into snowflakes that hung suspended in the air. It was beautiful like you had your own version of the great hall's ceiling in Hogwarts except that you had to point up your wand all day keeping the snowflakes from falling. I finally got tired of holding the snowflakes suspended in the air and made zoom out my open window. 

An owl hooted, I looked at the window Shado had come back home from her flight. She had a letter tied around her leg. I untied it and took a peak of whoever sent it. But before I could open it mom knocked on the door. She must've disabled the anti- hearing charm and the other charms she put as well. I threw the letter on my desk and opened the door. My mom was standing in front of my door with a   someone-important-downstairs- is- waiting- for- you look. I remember the last time she gave me that look it was when my art teacher came over to congratulate me for winning the art contest that every other school’s art. I nodded and went downstairs slowly. Mom followed me and gestured towards the living room.

I walked to the living room quite uncomfortable that someone had been waiting for me  at my own house.

"Hello" I greeted the old man, I sat on one of the couches in the living room. He had a long white beard and had a dangerously crooked nose. He had bright blue eyes behind his half moon glasses. He was sitting calmly in front of me.

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