Chapter 7

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To day that I did not got hurt by what Daniel did was an understatement. When I went home, I cried all night. Good thing that it was Friday so I would not see him for a while. After maybe a hour of sobbing, I fell asleep in my bed with the same clothes I wore for our supposed date.

I woke up at about 9 AM in the morning. I looked around and realized that I was still wearing the clothes I wore yesterday. I remembered what happened and tears started falling in my eyes. I still can't believe Daniel ditched me. I thought he wanted to be with me. Seongwoo, stop being dramatic, maybe he has his reasons. I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and splashed my face with water. I removed the foundation and concealer I had on and looked in the mirror. I could see some scars and bruises fading. My eyes were still puffy and red from all the crying and I had dark bags under my eyes. I decided to take a bath. I guess I'll go to the grocery store after this.  Good thing there's no classes today.


Shit. shit. shit. How can I explain this to Seongwoo? What reason can I say? I know! I could say that my cat died. No wait, that's too unrealistic since everyone knows I love my cats and I won't let anything happen to them. Uhmmm... How about I helped my classmate with his homework? Noooo.... Why would someone ask for my help? I ain't a star student. Think Daniel, THINK! I know! I'll just day that I did not feel well, yeah! That reason always get everyone. After maybe 30 minutes of talking to myself, I got a text 


Hey dan!

Hey babe!!! How are you? last night was very fun ^^

I'm fine! I also enjoyed last night! I was wondering if I you can go to my place tonight? I want to go to yours but I'm to lazy hehe

of course! I'll be there at 2! See you babe <3 ^^

Nice! I got to spend more time with Kim! I decided to bring food so I headed to the grocery store. I went to my closet and wore a decent looking clothes for Kim. I know how she loves my fashion taste. I walked to the nearest grocery store and entered. I got a cart and went around every aisles. At the chocolate section, I saw a familiar male that has 3 moles in his cheek. It's Ong! I decided to go ask him out.


Ong jumped and looked surprised. When I looked in his eyes, I saw hurt. Why?

"O-oh, hi", he said. 

"Hey, sorry for not going to our date yesterday! I did not feel well"

"O-oh? it's okay. I-I unders-s-stand"

"Are you sure?"


"So, I was wondering if you would like to go with a date with me? I still want to date you babe"

He blushed and I smirked. He looked hella red.

"Uhm... when?"

"How about tomorrow? There's still no classes so I could treat you out for dinner!"


"GREAT! See you soon babe!", I said and winked at him. He blushed again and I smirked while walking away. I payed for the food and went to Kim's place. I hope she likes chocolates.


I got a date with Daniel! I knew he had a good reason! Poor Daniel! I hope he feels okay now! I hope he did not see me blushing madly! I went to buy my favorite chocolate which is kitkat. I love kitkat! 

After I went home, I went to my bed and fangirled. I love seeing Daniel! He is so handsome! He looks so hot! His abs, shoulder, lips! Woah, slow down Seongwoo, don't go thinking that far. I felt something in my lower region and realized that I got a boner! What the heck Seongwoo! I decided to watch some movie and just forget about the boner. I hope tomorrow will be a great date!



hey guys! sorry for a very late update :((((( I got sick and so school is shit so I need to make up for the activities I missed :((( and also, tomorrow, we will have our foundation day! I joined the retro dance comp and I hope we win! Goodluck for us! hope you enjoyed this very short update! I'll make it up to you guys! uwu

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