Chapter 24

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ben has been spoiling me since we became a couple. it is currently noon and we are eating the  steak with asparagus he prepared. it feels nice being treated like this for once. being treated nicely. like a prince.

"ben, thank you for this. it's delicious."

"that means a lot", ben said. 

after eating, we cleaned the table and did the dishes. i'm slowly being used to ben being around. he has been nice to me since we met and i hope it doesn't change. 

"good morning love birds", chan said while leaning doorway. 

"good morning to you to hyung."  does chan-hyung already know? how did he know?

"i heard everything, if that's what your thinking. you know the walls here are pretty thin."

i blushed. i feel embarrassed right now. but hey, at least we don't need to tell chan-hyung anymore. 

"i'm gonna head out guys. gonna do some alone time. you can stay here if you want or if you want to join later, just call me. bye guys.", chan-hyung said. 

"stay safe hyung.", i said. ben did the same.

"ong, i'll go take a bath. don't miss me too much.", ben said.

"you wish.", i said. we both smiled at each other. he headed to the upstairs bathroom connected to our shared room. i sat down at the couch while staring at the television screen that's turned off.

things have been going nice for me. i have never felt this way in a long time. i never thought i'll finally have a boyfriend. i couldn't call what daniel and i had a 'relationship'. i hope what me and ben have will last. even if we ever break up. i hope we can still remain as friends even if that happens. is it too early to even think about the what ifs? i mean, i has only been 13 hours since ben asked me to be his boyfriend. it's just, i don't want to lose someone in my life again. i only have ben and chan-hyung and losing one would not be good.

"what are you thinking?", ben said. i looked at him with his hair still wet. he's wearing a fitted white tank top paired with a grey gym shorts. 

"nothing.", i said and smiled at him. he returned the smile and sat next to me. he smells nice. he smells like strawberry and vanilla. 

"what do you want to do today ong?", ben asked me. do i want to leave the house? i mean, we're in jeju. we should enjoy our vacation and go out. but why is staying alone with ben sounds better?

"if you want to, we can."

"but i want to know what you want to do.", he replied.

"i'm not really in the mood to go outside. i just want to stay here, with you.", i said and hugged ben it feels right. i felt a smile forming on my face.

"okay.", he said. he hugged me back and we stayed in that position for  5 minutes. we just hugged each other, not saying anything. the silence isn't awkward. it's calming. 

ben suddenly looked at me. 

"is there something wrong ong? did i do something wrong? ever since i came downstairs you look bothered and i'm sorry if i ever did something wrong. was it the steak? i now i should have put more salt on there. i'm so so-"

"ben, the steak was fine. it was delicious. and you did nothing wrong. it's just, everything has been nice and i don't want to ruin that. i don't want this to end you know? the feeling of happiness. i'm just scared that i might ruin everything and i don't know how i will take that.", i blurted out. 

ben hugged me again. this time, tighter. he kissed my forehead and whispered to my ear.

"ong, don't about the future okay? live in the moment. and i promise you i will always be there for you. i wont let anyone hurt you again okay? if things ever get messy, i'll be by your side. i'll help you. as long as you let me. so cheer up. you're too cute to be sad."

i can't stop myself from grinning. i looked at him and gave him a peck on the lips.

"thank you ben. i needed to hear that."

"don't worry about it ong.", he replied and kissed my cheek. he hugged me even tighter this time. 


"hey dan, thanks for coming with me to buy some muffins. i thought that fruits are just too simple. so i think the neighbors would like muffins." , nia said. 

i smiled at her and kissed her forehead. 

"don't worry about it. i think it's nice that you're going an extra mile just to befriend the new neighbors.", i said as we are walking back to her parent's house. 

"should we give this to them right now?", she asked. 



a/n: hello guys! sorry for taking too long to update! been quite busy with life rn. too many things are happening jkhakjsdf thank you for waiting patiently! im going to try to update as often as i can through this quarantine period. online classes are a pain in the butt :< 

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