wings to fight

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"If you fly into the sky then,"

"you're under a white ribbon they call life!"

"If you try to change you're fate!"

"You'll get no where!"

"You're still under the spell they call life!"

And there is no way!"

"There is no way to stop it!"

"The future is bight."

"it is set in stone!"

"Never again will you."

"second guess the given fate of you're."

"Open up you're wings and

"take off form there!"

"You're fate been."

"made up from the moment,"

"you're born."

"You the Young one are so strong!"

"Never the less,"

"you're life is now so live it!"



"Change the face of time!!!

and break it!"

"You're fate is made into stone!"

"Carved into the life,"

"you call you're own!"

"It's made into stone."

"sometimes it's hard but be strong!"

And one day you'll know why."

"But right now its going to be hard!"

"But that's OK!"

"Break in to the past of life."

"Break it down to the ground."

"Wings to fight."

"Wings to fight!"

"I open my eyes and see the sky,"

"I fly over the sea and mountain's"

"I take a path that is mine."

"I can't see the wind ,"

"that throws me around,"

"I can not stop the wind "

"So I fly with the wind,"

"I open my wings,"

And fly, "

"Into the sky on my wings,"

"Facing the wind with my back , "

"To the door can I fly so high,"

" You can change the wind and

" Take off from there , "

"Open your wings and

" fly into the blue sky. "

" Through the time and

space surrounding , "

"Take a breath and look at your future,"

" you can change the world, "

"The freedom to fly,"

"Is so strong,"

"Strong winds blow in your face,"

" change it so it pushes you to fly!,"

" change it so it pushes you to fly!,"

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( Wings by little mix )

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