learn from it all

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"Open a book read it and learn from it.

"All the chains that bonds you .

"You can break them .

"The chains that held you down,

"They can't held me now.

"They can't held me down now,

"Look in a book read it wright it .

"Learn from it,

"It is alright to make mistakes,

"It is alright to make mistakes,

"It is alright to make mistakes,

"It is alright to make mistakes,

"It is alright the chains,

that held me and you down.

In the rain that held' s  you down.

You fall from the cliff ,

You fall down and get up

You fight the shadows

Let the sun embraces the shadows

the Rain falls down on you and me

The waves are sharp and swift

As the shadows fall down on me

The rain falls into the streets




"I fight to stay alive

Learn from it all

In your hands the rain falls

Can you catch it all

" I Walk the path alone,

Take the shadows that fall

And throw them in the rain

The shadows fall to the rain,

All the chains that held me down

Are all gone now,

Can you stop me just for tonight

So I can see the rain in shadows

Of the streets

I Walk alone tonight

Will you walk after me

Tomorrow night

Light all the candies

And jump into the streets of shadows

You and me make a great pear

"Learn from it all,

"Learn from it all,

Like the shadows fall in to the rain

Can you catch it all from me

In the love

I'm not going anywhere

near the end of this song

Will you song with me


Open a book on my life

And you read it

You stand up and say

To all that listen

This is my life on paper


( The Song is you learn by Takida )
( And the poem is called learn from it all)
( ps I made this poem )

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