lullaby for a princess

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I never should have done this


Sister why can't

You just take me back


How my deeds

Pain me as time stretches long

How could I

Have hurt them this way

So rest easy now

My punishments mine

The weight of my crimes

Are my own

But into the stillness

You brought me your song

With your voice

My company kept

For your tried eyes and

sweet lullabies

In exile I pay you my debt

Once did a pony

Who gleemed like the moon

Lookout on her kingdom

And sign dejected

Surely there is no pony

Who loves me or finds any my night

So great was her pain

She rose in rebellion

Against those

who cares for her the Most

she let the nightmare

Call on those She ruled

And threatened to grip them

In permanent cold

Lullaby dear Tia

Good night sister of mine

And Rest now in Starlight' s embrace

May this cool lullaby

Reach you in your dreams

And ease into your passage of days

May my apologies find you

This night

And may my sorrow in kind

Tia you loved me much more

Then I knew

Forgive me for being so blind

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