crown the sun

48 4 9

....Golden light....

" Rising sun."

We are a sunset over a blaze of glory

" the night is resting

I say goodnight to the night and I say

goodmorning to the sun

"I catch a drop of fire,

As the sun rise's

" fire wings open and soar

into the golden sunset,

"The sunset is on fire,

The sunrise is so beautiful,

"As the sun rise's."

"Fire wings open up and soar

into the golden sunset,

As I soar in to golden light of the sun

I see you....

"your a blaze of Glory,

"My blaze of glory,

I'm a Sunrise's that's lights the way

We are a sunset over a blaze of glory

"That's what we are,

As I rise with the sun

I see what I was missing,

"Can I hold your hand' s

As I look into your blue eye's

As I open my eye's to all the possible ways

"One day we'll fly over the sun arm in arm,

Today I will fly one day with

your arm's around me,

I'll catch a drop of sunshine for you too

As I open my golden wing's

"Can you hold me down,"

All the friends we made are as strong as fire,& steel,


"The bonds we made are fire,"

Oh we are as strong as fire."

A pack of lions in the day,"

a pack of Wolf's in the night

"Open up your wings
I'll help you learn to fly,

" We'll fly off too the sunset ,
"We on fire,

........golden light..........


"We are fire,

And glory

We are a sunset over a blaze of glory

(The Song is fire nightcore)
( By Gavin degraw )


(The ship name is from sunsetblaze it's a my little pony book my sister made here's a how to find it
It's a great book! @sunsetblazetwo

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