Chapter 3

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Chase's POV

After one month of being ignored by them, Alexa is rebounding me up from my feelings of loneliness. Somewhere between staring for too long and poking, yes, it's called being annoying.

Why was she doing this anyway?

I'm too shy to even eat with her friends, so i always eat alone near the Baseball area. 

"So... you decided to be alone, than to join us?" Alexa asked behind my back.

"Yes." I answered her question.

"You know, we used to be classmates. So take that shy mask off." She said, sitting beside me.

"You know, you sitting beside me will start rumors." I told her.

"Rumor... yes. Rumor is an uncertain and doubtful truth you know. It's either real or fantasy." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

"What about you? You decide to be with me, a lone wolf, and leave your friends..." I mumbled the friends part. Why? We're like a stranger.

"Remember our classmate, Tiffany? At the first day, she was alone, so i decided to leave my friends for her. Somewhere along the lines, I told her, My friends are not alone without me, and you, I just want to accompany you. She was worried that my friends would be mad at the two of us, but they didn't. It's my weird logic." She explained. I wanted to understand her more, but... she's insane! that's insane!

"Do you want to lose your friends or not?" I asked her. "Because that's how you lose them." I told her.

"I don't. They become my old friends, and we welcome new friends." She said, licking her ice cream.

"Why are you eating Ice cream at Lunch?" I asked her. She should eat something like carbohydrates.

"Why are you eating nothing. Just breathing oxygen makes you normal, eating something makes you normal, but sitting and staring at an empty field? Will actually make you look weird." She ranted for a few seconds. "Here. A candy." She tossed me her food.

"This are M&M's. You know how much-" She cutted me off before I started on ranting.

"Yes I know. It's my weird tradition of... When my father got home with lots of chocolates, and this girl will eat it all." She said with a straight face, pointing to herself. "I did post once about YES TO DIABETES, but I'm already used on sharing it to my friends." She mumbled. 

"Thanks... I guess..." I mumbled, opening it.

All I knew she likes opening her facebook account 24/ 7 and maintain her grades, but I never knew behind that straight face, fierce look, eyes with no emotions, was a girl, having a weird logic and lots of secrets.

I realized something, as I continue to eat. Yes to Diabetes?

"You want me to die?" I asked her, with a fake horrored face.

"Don't worry. I'll pay for your coffin." She answered me. A ghost of a smile showed on her face, maybe smiling because I finally realized it.

It was a total silence. We stared at each other, as if... we're the only living creatures here. Then she bursted out laughing, then I followed her.

"I seriously don't know Chase." She sighed. "But don't worry, the coffin would be gold." She said, smiling at me.

We laughed at our little random moment. Everyone thought of her as a serious person, I never knew I'm more serious than here.

After laughing, we went back to a comfortable silence. It was comfortable, but I wanted to break the ice, because I'm curious.

"Hey... Have you once gave someone an Ice cream?" I asked her, glancing at her way.

"Maybe?" She mumbled, the way she said it is more of a question than an answer.


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