Dark Dreams

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Norman spotted you from across the carpark, he'd finished cleaning out the rooms as Dylan pointed you to a room. His curiosity clawed at him, finding himself watching you.

He followed at a distance, sometimes cleaning your room slower than he would have with eth other rooms, he liked your perfume. After Norma, had gotten to know you, worming her way into your life, she insisted you stay in one of the rooms in the house and earn your keep.

Norman started to notices your off-sleeping habits. Some night you wouldn't sleep for days, some you'd sleep all day and Norma would have to get you up. But the nights that caught his attention the most was the ones where you'd wake up gasping for air.

He would listen to you dream through the vent in the wall, whimpering as you must have tossed and turned. He wanted to listen until he hears you wake up, then he wants to comfort you, so instead he chose to stay perfectly still in his bed and just listen.

One night he'd gotten up, silently fetching a glass of water from the kitchen, stopping when you gasped for air as he passed your room.

"(Y/N)?" He asked without thinking.

"Oh, Norman I didn't... sorry I um." You stuttered as he shuffled to your door, standing in the doorway.

"I was getting a drink." He pointed out, motioning to the drink in his hand. "I get nightmares to... sometimes, I mostly don't remember them when I wake up."

"It was my parents." You mumbled as he sat next to you, staring at the door.

"Norma told me what happened to them." Was all he said, a sad smile on his face which seemed to be his attempt to comfort you.

"I can't forget it." You admitted and he took your hand in his.

"The nightmares will stop eventually, you could always talk to Mother." He offered and you smiled.

"Maybe I will." You mumbled.

"She might give you some odd advice though." He chuckled, the two of you laughing.

He stayed up the rest of the night, talking to you, until you fell asleep. Norman gently tucked you in, leaving you to finally sleep, somewhat peacefully. Being sure to stay awake until Norma woke you, just in case you had another nightmare.

Norman Bates ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant