Our baby or is it babys.

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Ty's pov
She tells me to feel her stomach and grabs my head and places it on her stomach. I have my hand there for no more than 2 seconds and I feel the baby kick. "When do we go to the doctors to see if our baby is healthy?" I ask her . She replies "I have a appointment in two weeks". I grab her and we head up stairs and drift off to sleep.

2 weeks later...
Bays pov
Today we have a appointment to make sure our baby is healthy. I wake up at 7:35 am and get ready to have a shower . I grab my black dress that I always wear and go give ty a kiss and go hop in the shower. After my shower I go back into our bedroom to wake up Ty but he isn't in bed so I head downstairs to find him making breakfast. We sit and eat breakfast together then I grab my phone and purse and Ty puts on his shoes and insists on helping me with my shoes even though I'm only 10 weeks so I'm not that big yet. After he helps me with my shoes . We walk out the door he locks it and he walks over to the passenger door and insists on opening for me. "You know I can open doors myself. I'm pregnant not fucking stupid." I say and instantly regret saying it . It was my hormones that made it happen. "Bay I do it because I care . I know your not stupid. I never said you were. I do it because I care about you and I want you to know I love you and I will never leave you." He says and I start to cry. "Bay are u okay?" He asks . "Ty I'm so sorry I didn't mean it to sound rude. It's my hormones that are making me cranky." I reply to his question. He kisses me on the forehead and starts driving. "Bay I love you and like I said I won't leave you know matter how much your hormones make you and no matter how much you hate me I'm not leaving you and our child." He says well focusing on the road. "Ty that's one of the many reasons why I love you" I say in return. He kisses my head once again and then we sit in silence for a few mins till we show up at the clinic. Ty gets out of his side as always and comes and opens my door and helps me out of the car. We walk in the clinic and tell them my name and sit down and wait to be called.

Ty's pov
Bay had a rough day today and accidentally yelled at me for opening her door for her all the time . I told her that I'm not leaving her no matter what. We are sitting waiting for Bays name to be called . " Bay Kennish" The nurse calls. We walk in to a room and they tell Bay to lay down and lift up her shirt up. This is my first ultrasound I've been to. They put gel on her stomach and move it around "Bay and Ty your babies are healthy." The nurse says . "Did u just say babies ?" Bay asks not believing her. "Yes your having twins." I grab bays hand and I kiss her and I sit down beside her. " when can we know their gender if we decide we want to know?" I ask. "The next time you come for a appointment which is two weeks from now." The nurse reply's. We thank the nurse and walk back to the car I open her door as always and let her in . I go over to my side get in and stick the keys in the ignition. I turn to look at my beautiful fiancé and I kiss her and then her belly were our little munchkins are . "I can't believe we are having twins. I'm going to be a father to two babies ." I say in excitement. "Your going to be a great father" bays says. I kiss her once again on the lips and start driving. "We should have everyone over for dinner and tell them as a whole family that we are having twins." Bay says . "I agree" I tell her. I get a text from Daphne but since I'm driving I can't look at it. So I hand it to bay. She looks at the texts and tells me that she is going to talk to her on FaceTime so he can hear what they are talking about. She clicks call on FaceTime and waits for her to pick up .
It rings till she picks up.
Daphne: hey bay
Bay: hi what's up? Your text sound like your upset.
Daphne: there is a 50/50 chance my child is going to be deaf.
Bay: it will be fine your deaf and you did just fine .
Daphne: Thx sis.
Ty: I love u Daphne . We would like to invite you and mingo over to our house tonight for a celebration. We have something to tell all you guys.
Bay: actually I think we will have the get together at mom and dads place since i know mom wants to always make stuff awesome over there.
Daphne: of course we will be there can't wait.

Tys pov
I end the call and me and bay call the rest of the family and invite them to come . We talk to bays mom Kathrine and she said she would love for it to be at her house and she would be would love to make food for it. We tell her thank you and head home and get ready for tonight.

I love writing this story . I hope people are enjoying it as much as I am. Sorry if it's a little short. The next one might be longer. Maybe Maybe not.
To be continued...

Ty and bay from switched at birth Where stories live. Discover now