The Star

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The boy, a small, five year old who wanted more than what he had, looked out his window. A star, a brilliant shade of glimmering sapphire, took his breath away. It was like it was looking after him, like it was his friend. The little boy smiled at it, watched the moon evolve around this tiny circle and change it's colours. The boy was deeply amazed by how unique it was. He knew it was meant for him, it cheered him up for no apparent reason, it got his heart thumping, shaking the ground.

  The clouds drew in that windy Wednesday, 2007, the boy came back home running in tears. The bullies, they beat him up to bits. And all he could do was run. He had no clue where to go or where he was, but he ended up in a winding road. He was in pieces, bleeding from his thin bottom lip, his face all crumpled up and he felt his knee an open scar. The boy heard a voice from the far distance, and he followed it. Soon, he came across a different street, a much more familiar smell, he finally knew where he was. But that voice, that deep tone that made his insides shiver, the rhythm that kept him going, the sound of the saxophone, it brought him straight home. He hummed the notes, whistling, suddenly all his pain melted away like snow. Busan, where he belonged. That night, all washed up and finally not crying, the boy crept up the headrest of his blue covers and watched the evening sky darken. The sapphire light appeared once again, shining extra brightly. He grinned, nose twitching. "Maybe one day you'll come to earth and help me, hopefully you'll help me through this pain." the boy whispered under his breath. He squinted his eyes and prayed that the star would fall to earth and see him, be with him, protect him and make him feel love.

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