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"All I did was color you in my white, blank paper...but then I realized, it already became a finished picture" - Hold Me Tight

Suga is on the ground, playing with the pebbles. The dirt is on his baby face, he slowly looks around for a sense of direction, for a special someone to come back. " Where can you be this time, kiddo?" he smiles to himself. The winds are talking to him, the sky is a pretty sapphire, with its clouds decorating its ends in fluffy white patterns. He knows deep inside he's not dead. He feels him like he's buried right under him. The house is a deeper color now, the wooden parts are less glossier, the painting Jimin once made in on the floor. Suga proceeds with another favorite posture of his, he leans backward until his body rests on the dirty floor. "If I fall, who's gonna catch me now?"The doors open, Kook appears in sweat dripping from his face. Suga gets up, stunned. "What the fu-" "WHERE IS TAEHYUNG?" Kook blasts in his face, down on his knees. Suga frowns. "You..you stupid b****!!" he grabs the boy by the collar, blood spilling from Kookie's right arm. The stains are left on his plaid shirt. "HOW COULD YOU LOSE HIM!" Suga shouts aggressively as he shakes him, anger rushing out of his system. Kook is in tears as he tries to get back, the guilt is rising up his throat, choking him. "TELL ME!" Suga demands as the beast has unleashed itself. Kook stares deep into Suga's torn self, like a mirror. They both lost someone they've loved. He keeps silent, he doesn't bother answering. "I knew you'd be here." a voice comes from behind Kook. The two boys spin in confusion. It's Tae, in a pair of Gucci pants and a white hoodie. He's confident, pale but strong in his beautiful features. He comes in to hug Jungkook with open arms, he closes his eyes in happiness. I have you back. Suga stumbles away from the two lovers. With half his blood and energy drained from him, Kook falls into the arms of his lover, and Tae makes sure he's there for him. This time, their hearts beat the same beat, like a butterfly, it's just them bringing each other up.

2 June 2018

Namjoon stands alone in the crowded streets, biting into his chocolate croissant. He sighs as he looks at the shop opposite from where he's from. It's the one restaurant Jimin loved to eat, he brought the whole group there once to try their infamous spicy sushi. RM laughs to himself, the memories are still in his mind. Now that  he's just a nobody, there is nothing stopping himself from going there. He enters with a ring of the bells above him. The restaurant is well furnished, all blue walls and the small counter in front of him is made of polished wood and gold painted by hand. RM gasps a small "Woah" when he sees the cashier. A woman, a sweet smile pasted on her lips, she greets him politely. RM bows his head. He notices the excitement in her eyes when she sees him, face to face with a legend. "Eat in, please," he says in a casual, low voice. the woman stares at his neatly trimmed black hair, it's illegal. She smiles in a cute way. "You're.. Namjoon of BTS." she says. Namjoon laughs. "Yes, hi. Actually...would you want to have a small talk with me?" he asks. Why not? The girl clutches her chest as she nods nonstop. He orders a small bowl of Korean noodles, Jimin's favorite. The girl has many plans in her mind, whatever she feels he wants to do, she's clearly into it. "I'm still on the search for Jimin-si." he tells her. She adoringly stares at his features, smiling widely, which Namjoon finds attractive. She wipes their table clean. "Yeah, we're doing our best to find him too," she says. Namjoon begins to run his fingers over the rim of his glass cup. The woman suddenly touches his hand, and he's not stopping her. Gosh, he whispers. When was the last time I talked to an actual girl? The smell of hot soup attracts his intentions, reminding him of Jimin. He smiles to himself. Jimin had once taught him how to read poetry once upon a time, he remembers the boy in his studio, reading the alphabets in different ways. "Love." he read, looking up to his dearest hyung. RM stares up at the plain ceiling. "I'll find you." While Namjoon has the short conversation with the waittress, Jin is around the nearby street. He walks in a draggy way, sipping on his mocha latte. "Tastes a bit off," he whispers to himself. As he passes another picture of Jimin on a lamp post with the words "LOST, DO CALL US IF YOU FIND HIM" the sadness enters his lungs again. The times they shared together once upon a time is lost, like the song they made together. There, in the barren land, all that he thought was going to be great is burning infront of his eyes. He's empty, no happiness can bring him back to life. What's the point, running in circles, when you know very well nothing will work? He continues to walk down the dusty lane as he sips further. What if we can't find Jimin ever? Jin sucks into the drink until the goodness blocks his trail of thoughts, anger rushes into his brains. His heart tells him to go on, but another part of him shuts him up. "NO-OucH!" he yelps out loud. He stops walking, massaging his hurt head. He faces the ground. I need to stop thinking, Jin, I know you're perfect in everything, let it rest for now. He stops by a familiar shop that smells like spicy ramen. His stomach rumbles. "Maybe RM would like a good meal, everyone would like this," he whispers as he enters, the cool breeze of Sakura perfume fills the air. He looks around, noticing a tall man in a purple scarf sitting near the counter area, talking to a girl in an apron. Jin rings the bell at the counter, tapping his fingers on the solid wood continuously. "Oh, Namjoonie! Namjoonie?" he asks, noticing him as he walks to him. "Hey." his voice is raspy, his arm is around the innocent looking girl. Jin despises girls near RM, and he knows very well that doesn't look like his sister. "Who's..that?" he says. RM flashes a smile, letting the girl work in the kitchen. "A friend." he tells him. Jin folds his arm. He has grown to be as tall RM now, their eyes can meet now. "We can't be seen with girls, you know that," Jin says harshly. RM shakes his head. "PD is done with us, he doesn't want us back, it's time we give it up." he loosely says. Jin doesn't know this RM, like a stranger, he looks away. RM prepares to leave, but Jin pushes him back, tougher by his extremely attractive broad shoulders. "Don't you ever think this can get into the media?What's gonna happen to Bangtan?" he says. Namjoon just smiles and brings him back, answering "There is no Bangatan anymore, PD is done with us, don't you get it?" Jin watches the man walk off with Jimin's favourite noodles in a plastic bag. He gives the girl in an apron a pissed look. Then, he leaves as well.

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