Chapter two

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Mom.... Momm... Momm
Snap out of it
Open your eyes mom
Mom open your eyessss

Mom please just fucking snap
out of it..... Pleassseee!!

Opening her eyes, due to the brightness of the surrounding..... she quickly shuts it
"uhurg.... damn too bright "......why is it too bright, she thought..

Finally she opened her eyes, her vision became blurred, it was a bit difficult getting her eyes to adjust to her surroundings...
She stared at her surrounding and noticed everything seems familiar

the paint on the walls, the peach colored curtains.... That Rosy smell...

She finally realized she's lying on a bed ..wait your bed you mean to say ..... Her subconscious says.... Shit

She heard someone say something
"mom are you owk"snapping her out of her thoughts....
A very familiar voice she thought... It your son you moron, her subconscious yells

It was all a dream, after so many years, she managed to move on and get away from all her heartaches, her fears, her past.....
Just one place they could all torment her,
her dreams, like a constant reminder of how messed up her past was...

How bad she so much wished her mom was still living, how she wished she could turn back the hands of time.... How much she wished her life wasn't this messed up

I didn't realize i was crying until i felt a hand on my cheeks, stopping the tears from falling....
"we leave you alone for one week, and you are this messed up huh" came a voice....
"oh just shut the fuck up Antonio now is not the time, she's much to stressed out for your arrogant bullllsshhhiitttt dum dum"..
."you shut the hell up, nd don't even try to scold me you.. "

The familiarity of their voices brought a big smile to her lip....her son's...her babies, the only thing she's got in this damned world,
She speak up knowing if she doesn't, they will probably never stop...
"Stefano darling it owk, m fine, nd Antonio shut d hell up nd get me a pain killer, i feel like my head is about to explode".....

The sound of him dragging his feet to her bathroom to retrieve the painkiller, she then looked up to her second son Stefano
She could see the worries held in those beautiful eyes
"mom are you owk"he asks..... She's not about to tell him, she's not ready to tell anyone.... She left, she ran away for a reason.... All that happened to her in the past are going to remain in the past.... It all for their own good, she thought, all for their own safety....

"had too much alcohol yesterday, it the effect, it wearing off dough, don't worry my baby "....she held her hand to his face in assurance
"don't talk to him like he's a baby mom... he's 19, he's not a boy....and mind you... Alcohol don't make you cry in your sleep, or have you muttering words like mama or do they "Antonio said handling her the painkiller and a glass of water....
She took the drug from him,she then swallowed two tablets and the water.... She heaved, how was she going to keep this a secret if she keeps muttering words when she sleeps, sooner or later they are going to find out, but definitely not now.... When that bridge comes, she will have no choice but cross it

"and now she's zoned out again "Antonio says out of frustration snapping me out of my thoughts....
"he's my baby and so are you " she said avoiding the question...
"mom Antonio just asked you a question... What's going on? "Stefano says looking at me with that same worried look
"talk to me mom "he says
"yes talk to us "Antonio says holding my shoulder with a worried look too..
She looked at them with teary eyes... They were the best things that happened to her.... Her twins, her boys.... They were her greatest strength....she hid so much from them,so much, she never intended to, but had to.... For their safety, everything she's ever done up to this moment are for them... But she's not ready to tell them all about her past, she's not ready to tell anyone... She's not mentally prepared for it

"uhmmm like i said too much alcohol, if it anything important i ll let you guys no,trust me" she lied
"you're lying.... I feel like you're hiding a lot from us "Antonio said
" I promise am not... I just got carried away tasting all the wine in the counter, maybe because i miss my babies "she said pouting
" you sure " Stefano asked raising he's left brow in doubt, I nodded
"well if that's the case, m going down stairs, and m taking all the alcoholic drinks in your counter with me"antonio says
"I agree with you Ant"stefano says...

She stared at him as he made his way downstairs to do away with her little helpers she stared intensively at her son's,their striking identical look... They both look a lot like him except the blue eyes.....

Antonio is more like him, he's got his temper and a little hot headed, but Stefano on the other hand, is more calm and collected, like the girl she used to be, until life changed her.......

She shouldn't be talking about him
.... The demon of her past,the man who made her long for death...
He was the devil himself.... He thought he could cage her forever.... But he's was mistaken.... She was a Heart, if there was anything that could tame her bloodline then it's death......

Besides he believes she's dead.... Long gone, he would never search for her, they all saw her fall to her death.... No one would search for her..... She crafted the perfect escape and luck was her friend when it all went down...

He will never find her..... She'd rather die than give him the pleasure of tormenting her again.

"why do you keep zoning out on me, u re doing this a little too much mom "Stefano says, realising it just me and him in the room, and by the look of things, he's been talking to me all this while
"come again baby" I said giving him my fullest attention
"I was asking if you would like a cup of coffee and my Banana pan cakes, right after you freshen up "he says staring into my eyes
"of cos baby, i would love that, you know how much i ve missed your pancakes "she said smiling
"then i better get to work in d kitchen"he says standing up
"oh and mom, i have missed you, it been 2 weeks, but it seemed like forever"he says kissing my cheeks... "I missed you too my baby "I say kissing he's cheek...

"oh so it only Stefano you miss huh"...Antonio said taking lil steps toward them with his arms folded across his chest
"oh somebody's jealous "stefano says in a mocking tone,she scolded him on his arm and  dragged Antonio into my arms
"I missed you too my love "she said to him planting a kiss on he's hair
"missed you too mum, now let go, u squeezing my shirt" she let go laughing as she watched them leave her bedroom..

Oh how much she has missed them..

They moved out of the house when they turned 18,a flat couple of blocks away from hers, but then they had to travel to Paris for one week on a school trip...she missed them so much and couldn't stop worrying since it was the first time they were leaving Germany.....

while growing up Paris had been her dream country, she had this crazy fantasy of visiting the country with the love of her life,but that was a long time ago....

Alot has changed, she was no longer that girl she used to be, her situation changed her, her mother's death changed her, her father changed her , the devil ruined her....

The woman she used to be.... An American heiress Arabella Hearts.... She was her mother's joy and the apple of her father's eye..

The lady destined to rule her father's empire, he was an underground king in America, a mob boss,and she was destined to take over when the time was right....

He was the perfect figure of a father until the death of her mother

Father changed....he couldn't stop blaming himself for his wife's death.... He had killed the son of the other party by accident and in retaliation they killed his wife her mother

The death of her mother broke her father completely, to him, she didn't exist....but she never blamed him, she didn't blame him until her fifteenth birthday, she found out he would be given her out as a marriage treaty amongst the American mafia and the Italian mafia...

It wasn't her fault mama died, she died protecting her,many a times she blamed herself for her mother's death.....
But she was just 5,and was only a child...

The fact that her own father gave her out to a mafia group they had never been friends with, both mafias loathed each other, and yet he gave his underage daughter hand out in marriage to them, she couldn't stop hating him for what he did..... Not once did he visit her, she was living in bondage, not once did he care..

Thinking about her past always brings tears to her eyes, and she can't help but feel her days of freedom are coming to an end ...

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