Chapter Sixteen

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Her mind was made up, she didn't care about the repercussions of her action... She's has finally decided to stop waiting for the help of others.... Arnold promised her he will do anything if not everything so she's brought back home,but failed his promise..... She hasn't gotten a single letter from him... He's abandoned her,everyone except Rachel Williams brother........ She kept coming to visit her, and even promised to tell her father about the abuse Damon was inflicting on her, but anytime she came to visit her, she never brought her father along.... It was pointless writing a letter, Damon always have his guards search her before she leaves the mansion... She knew no one was coming to save her

She noticed the change in her, she eats a little more than usual, she gets frequent nausea,fatigue.... And her monthly visitor stopped visiting..... confused Arabella complained to her friend, and that was when it became clear to her what was happening.... She made Rachel swear she would never tell a single soul.... It was their deepest secret, after devising a plan... She decided to stop relying on others to help her, she was trapped in an abusive marriage,where she was being raped by her husband.... She refused to wait for help,for she will help herself, she would have to face her fears, she's an heiress, not a weakling  ....

She made a plan and told her best friend about it... Damon would be taking the family for a ship groove, he was holding another big party, since he never let's her out of the house, she was gonna use that to her advantage...escaping Damon would be suicide, Rachel said , but that was a risk Arabella was ready to risk... A child with Damon... He would probably kill the child or make the child a killer, she thought.....

The plan;Damon never let his guards out of her sight,Rachel would create a distraction, Ara would jump into the water making it look like an attempted suicide.... But before that, Rachel would have a ship parked far away from the ship at the back of the island opposite the direction of the ship...... Considering the fact she would have to swim her way  to the ship was not Ara problem,Arnold taught her how to swim... But being pregnant, it should be a little tough she thought.... She would take that boat far away from them.... Right after that she would find a bigger ship leaving Italy.... Wherever the ship takes her will be her new life.... But the only problem was how would they get Damon distracted, Rachel said... But Ara already had a solution to that...... A prostitute would get Damon distracted, while Rachel try to distract the two guards guiding her..... This is a plan she was more than ready to try

She wore a fitted short black gown that stopped across her thighs... Yes if she will be escaping today no long dress will get in her way she thought.....

The ship was bigger than Ara imagined it to be....the balcony was way too high for the jump.... She started to panic....
They finally boarded the ship... As usual she was not to speak unless when spoken to, not to make any eye contact with anyone and of course get out of Damon's way.... A human puppet, that was what Damon made out of her, a puppet and a punching bag.... How much she loathes him for making nothing out of her life... For making her wonder what was the reason for her existence in this world.... But not anymore for the sake of her child, she was ready to a find a way out of this misery ...

As they planned.... They leaked the news of Damon's ship party to Elizabeth, Damon's whore, she came and they were currently getting the deed done.... Time for Ara's plan to be executed.... She took a glass of water and walked over to the balcony of the ship... She looked down and felt a lump grow in throat.... She knew she had to do this.... She needed to

The guards assigned to watch her followed her to the balcony,she was scared... She just had to wait for Rachel's distraction, she didn't know how long Elizabeth would be entertaining Damon if you call that entertainment... So she was unease....just when she was loosing her patience, they had a BOOM sound... Someone just fired a grenade at their ship, at once the guards grabbed her to take her back into the ship for safety.... She had a bang sound behind her,one of the guards dropped dead, the other guard pushed her behind him to shield her from any bullet... The whole place was in chaos.... Women screaming,guns being fired.... She had Damon's voice from inside the ship calling her name....

This wasn't a part of her plan,these are Damon's enemies she thought.... She knew she had to get back into the ship,suddenly she felt the second guard lifeless body hit her causing her to fall, the dead guard was removed off of her by someone, she looked up only to be met with a gun to her head, she gulped... The man holding the gun gave her an evil smirk, dragged her by the hair, she struggled to get his hand off of her, which only made his grip on her head stronger.... The pains was so much, she man up and hit him where the sun doesn't shine, his grip on her hair loosen, she pushed him to the ground and made a run towards the inside of the ship.... The firing of bullets could be heard... The whole place was a mess, smoke kept hindering her from making the right turn, she just needed to get to where Damon's men are, until she felt a sharp pain on her arm, a bullet just graze her skin... She stopped holding her arm, as she groaned in pain, she turned around to be met with the same gun man,she heard Damon call her name this time very close, but she couldn't go to him, if she moved a muscle the gun man  would shoot her

She heard him cock his gun, she turned her head towards the direction Damon called her and saw him running towards her, BANG BANG he shot her in the stomach and chest before Damon could get to her.... she staggered backwards and fell off the ship......


"Argh" i woke up screaming..... I took hard breaths.... Beads of sweat formed on my head as it slowly ran down my neck.... The air conditioner was on but i was sweating....
You're having the dreams again
I shut my subconscious out, i flinched again when the door was banged open and two men emerged into my room with guns...
Oh my God.. Guns..... Wait this isn't your room
My subconscious said.... And now it hit me, My true identity has been revealed... This isn't my house in Australia... This isn't my bedroom, Antonio and Stefano are been held hostage... And oh my God.... Will was shot...

I immediately rushed out of the room as the guys with gun who am guessing are guards followed behind in confusion.... I had no idea where i was going, but I needed to find William and my boys.... I was tuning around opening room after room until i opened one with voices only to be met with a drastic sight

Antonio and Stefano where been tied upside down and Damon had a gun aimed at William, immediately he corked the gun i didn't know what got into me, i ran in front of the gun and shielded william with my body and i heard the gun go off 
    Bang Bang!!

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