Chapter nine

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A_n:am pretty sure you guys no by now,am not really cool living authors note ....but i ll drop this one cause i really need feedbacks on this book,am putting a whole lot on it,and i ve got a lot of cool stuffs coming up,don't forget to comment,vote and follow
Bye my pussycats #meow

Arabelle POV(angelina)

I woke up to a familiar face,i watched him sleep peacefully....i still can't believe i made this,like i birthed this... Choosing to keep this child is the best idea i have ever made in years,but it pains me deeply knowing that i have forgotten everything about them, he did say i had twin....I wonder when the other one will get here....

Trying to get up from the bed slowly without waking Antonio,i accidentally hit the flower by the side of my hospital bed,making him wake from his sleep

"Didnt m-mean to wake you...go back to sleep" i said looking into he's eyes,i can't help but notice how he decided to shave his beards and he looks young and innocent
"It owk am up" by the look on his face,you can tell he hasn't gotten any sleep, that disturbed me,what kind of mother am i depriving my child rest
"No please do go back to bed" I insisted
"I don't feel sleepy" he said in a very low voice
"You recognize me,i was told you lost your memory" he said
"Yes....the doctor told me i have amnesia,but hopefully if am close to the people i love it will speed up my memory" i said rubbing my head
"Does i-it hurt" he asked stuttering
"No...." I lied,he looked stress already,telling the truth will only stress things more
"Don't lie to me,i no you" he said bending his head refusing to look at me
"So you can tell if am lying or saying the truth" I asked a little excited,i must have bonded really good with them for him to be able to tell
"I can read every facial expression you make ....i no when you are unease,i no when you are hiding something,i no so much,just by looking or touching you...." he said then his tone dropped "And you read me just as much as i read you,only you read me more...."

He looked really upset,i can't stand that,i dropped off completely from the bed and made my way to his side, cupping my hands on his face
"Am sorry i was in coma for so long Antonio,am sorry i scared you,am s-sorry i lost my memory" i said allowing the tears drop from my eyes....he raised he's head,looking me in the eye,something seems different, so different

"A-Am s-s-sorry s-so so sorry m-mom" he said sobbing....
"This is all my fault... This-this is all my freaking fault.... I hate myself... I f***ing hate myself" with that he stormed out leaving me dumbfounded..

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