chapter seven

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A_n: hi guys just thought i use this opportunity to beg you guys to vote and comment on my book,it my first book and i really need to know if am good enough,oh and dont forget to follow me.....#peaceout my pussycats

Arabelle's POV(angelina)

Both blue eyes starring furiously into mine....oh God how do i get out of this

"It him isnt it,damn that bastard....i knew_i knew he would be up to no good" turning to Stefano "f**k you steff for showing mom to that bastard"
"What?..are you insane,turns out mom has seen him even before the party,so what the f**k you blaming me for"stefano said totally pissed off at his brother.....

I broke down in tears,it been so long,even my cries seemed strange to me,i was hurting

I knew i should have never stopped drinking,but thanks to Antonio i had to,the boy got rid of all my alcohols,you see i get this mood swings,most times all the pains i have encountered in the past just comes bursting out and after the tears comes the fear

But it been years since i have ever felt this way,i have my sons,even dough looking at their faces is a permanent reminder of my past and pains,i have come to make peace with that

But being with william i felt things i have never felt before,he broke all my walls...I felt loved,treasured,and to have him suddenly feel having such feelings was off,kinda hurt so much

Like my opinion to things are never needed,he didnt even ask me how i felt... He just concluded....just asked me to forget everything

How can i forget the way he flirted with me in the elevator,even dough am claustrophobic but i felt at ease with him being there...I remember when we first met,i have never found a man so attractive all my life...

Things he does to me i just can't explain it,things he makes me feel,feelings i have never felt before....what are you doing to me will.......what are you doing to me...that kiss,it was a kiss with powerful emotions

"Oh God please dont tell me he kissed you" finally climbing down to reality, only now do i realise am touching my lips and smiling
"Am going to kill him steff,prepare a black suit cause we will be mourning your boss pretty soon"Antonio said in a growl ,heading for the door...I quickly grabbed he's shirt tugging him back
"And where do you think you are going" i said in that tune mother's use while scolding their babies
"To kill him" he said furiously
"Kill who if i may ask" i said in a stern vioce
"Mr harper,who else... he made you cry" he's voice sounfing soft and calm now
"No baby he didnt" i said cupping he's face in my Palm "i was the one who ruined our date,and am just sad that now,he will think am a crazy woman and not ask me out on another one"
"Are you sure" he said raising he's left brow
"Yes baby...that what happened" i said rubbing he's cheeks

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