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•_•Chapter One •_•

"Hey Williams! Guess who is a new teacher here!" Yelled Teller, an acquaintance of mine from college.

He's been working here for nine years like me. Four years as a teacher student and five years of real teaching.

Kids never change. What happened to the pure ones. The pure and innocent kids? But who cares right?

But anyway back to my story... Before Teller yelled I was correcting the homework that I given last week.

After he yelled, I yelled back at him irritated," What is it!? I'm busy!"

"It's Jones! From five years ago. One of our students. Can you believe it!? One of our students from five years ago when we were still teaching!"

I stopped what I was doing and asked him cautiously,"Which Jones?"

"What are you talking about, David Jones Who else?"

"W-Where is he?"

"Mira and Carey caught him talking with the principal before he can work tomorrow. So they're going to show him the ropes."

"How long ago?"

"Twenty-Five minutes ago. They're probably at lunch since its this late."

"I'm going home. Tell the head master I'll be leaving early and I'm bringing my work with me." I started to pack up.

"What's wrong? Just because Jones here why are you so worked up?"

"Its complicated. You wouldn't get it even if I told you."

"Fine I won't be nosy."

"Just tell the others that I'll see them tomorrow.' and tell Jones that 'I don't want to see him anytime soon' thanks."

"Got it."He walked out of the door.

"That was very cold of you, teacher." said a voice that hopefully I wouldn't hear till tomorrow. He came out of his hiding spot.

"Hi Jones." I said turning around with papers in my arms. "What a pleasant surprise."

"Well you don't sound pleased." he walked towards me but I stepped back.

"What do you want from me?"

"Honestly... nothing. I don't want to anything to do with you. But don't worry I won't tell anybody about our past relationship. I don't even see the point. And if your wondering if I still love you then, your wrong. Its the exact opposite."

Good. I thought its best this way. So I said," I'm not worried. Actually I'm glad. Just make sure we keep our distance." It's best if we do this that way you won't notice that I still love you.




"Well then I'll be leaving."

I walked passed him so I could go through the door. It hurt to say those words I didn't really mean. I loved him with all my heart. I still love him. But I can't do anything about it. Otherwise he will get hurt. But no matter what I'll be protect him even if it hurts.

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