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•_•Chapter Five•_•

The line wasn't getting through so I left a voice mail. After school one of the teachers called me to her office. When we were finally alone she started sobbing. I just stood there like deer in headlights. I didn't know what to do.

I mean what would you do if a woman who you haven't seen fifteen years with no contact at all, and suddenly she's right in front of you, and started crying in front of you?

"I'm sorry, Nick I... I'm sorry. I know its to late but it wasn't your or your brother's fault. Your father cheated on me and when I said I was going to bring you both with me he threatened to kill me so I left without you. I even sent you both letters. But you never replied and..."

"Wait what letters?"

"I sent you both letters every other week."

"We never got any letters."

"I loved you. I really did. I understand if you don't want anything to do with me."

I walked to her and hugged her. She felt weak and light. Very fragile.

"Dad did unforgivable things to you, but he did even more horrible things to me, but I don't blame you. I never did. I just didn't understand why you left us and held a grudge against you. But don't worry father won't come to us anymore."

Then the door opened and saw my brother. He walked to us and I saw tears fall down. The misunderstanding was cleared and we got our mother back.

Five months later, mother died of weak heart because of her age. It was devastating but we got through it. I went through the courses for four years and started to work as a teacher.

Three months of working I saw David, a student, having sex with another male on the floor. I closed the door from the sight and walked away to the teachers lounge. I stayed there for one hour hopefully they were done. I opened the door cautiously and saw David sitting on my desk. It seems like he was waiting for me.

"Yes David? You need something?"

"What you saw...can you not tell anyone?"

"What are you talking about? I just got here?"

"You know what I'm talking about. Don't act like you didn't see."

"See what? I'm really interested on what you claim that I saw."

"You saw me having sex with another guy! And your pretending that you didn't see anything!?"

"I am not pretending. Maybe you mistook that person as someone else. Besides who am I to judge on what sexuality a person has."

"Alright your off the hook for now. But I know what I saw." He was at the door. Till I said

"Your lucky it was me who saw you. Just make sure it doesn't happen again." He just laughed and left me in my thoughts alone.

3 weeks later...

It was my birthday. I never told anyone my birth date. I always felt it was unnecessary. During lunch the students left and the teachers got together to eat. I stayed behind. I got a new email. It was from my brother and his family saying happy birthday to me and saying how they miss me. I probably smiled like a fool. I made a thank you video and sent it back. but I was so absorbed in the videos I didn't noticed another presence till I saw something on the corner of my eye. I said good bye to the video and turned my attention to David.

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