Going down

26 5 0

I'm losing out; I'm going down.
Behind this smile's a perma-frown.
I just can't bear this burden any more.
Some of it's got to hit the floor!
...But I'm going down with it,
And I don't know how to make me quit.
My breath is gasping, short and fast;
I'm sinking down, down... all hope I've passed.
I'm screaming in my head, but I don't say a word.
All these burdens to talk about, but they can't be heard.
Others complain to me of their pain,
But words always fail me to say I feel the same.
I open my mouth, the silence to rebel against,
But my words fall empty; silent; bent.
Darkness is all I've really known...
Soon, very soon now, my grave shall be overgrown.

MoontalkerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang