Smiling, But Dying

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I don't know what to do;
Where to turn;
How to proceed.
I don't know how to mend my heart,
Or stop the aching need.
I don't know how to not be sad;
How to make my eyes smile;
Don't know how to be glad.
Don't know how to keep on lying,
Don't know how to keep on living,
Not sure how to keep from dying.
Perhaps I'm dead already, buried neath the sod.
Gone to the world; the people I love;
Alone... it's only me and God.
Nobody cares.
Nobody else cries.
Everyone stares,
And everyone lies.
It's a world I'm accustomed to,
And yet it still hurts
Like it did when it was new.
I can't understand it.
I don't comprehend;
Not even the tiniest bit.
I'm struggling, trying;
Gasping for breath;
Smiling, But dying.

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