The Rain We Once Danced In

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The thing is, I can unload on my friends as much as I want. I can post sad quotes and deep sayings on my social media in hopes that you'll know its about you. I can scream to the wind. Punch a hole in the wall. Curse to the rain we once danced in. Cut my wrists open to the air; try to numb the blind pain. I can cry to my mama, I can lose myself in the wilderness of the mountains, I can bury myself in a eat work sleep routine. But at the end of the day, I always have to come back to you. And it will hurt just as much. Because nothing except you can ease the pain. You can't treat a broken bone with a band aid. Yet here I am, attempting to fill the hole you left in my heart with silly putty. This is going to eventually kill me, because you're never going to want me back, and that's the only thing that could reverse this heartbreak and decay. Even writing these stupid fucking words won't help, because you'll never see them. You'll never read them, and even if you did, it wouldn't change anything, because you're not in love with me, and you never will be. Oh God, I've never felt this much pain in my life.

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