I am sorry

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In the drive way

Roc: so u thought u were not going to get that ahh beat

Me: man whatever roc I can't stand u

Roc: Ik u can't and I can't stand u just as much

Me: I h *gco* by roc punching me over and over agin he did not stop tell cam came out and pulled him (cam is my bro)

Cam: nigga get your hands off my sis before I beat your ahh now try me

Roc: man your sis a hoe

Cam: oh really g get your ahh up

Me: why u cussing at me

Cam: what did I tell u about being a hoe

Me: first off I am not a hoe I have never been one he lying and if u believe him u can get out my house cuz u don't pay no bills up in here

Cam* raise hand like he was about to slap me but put it down* I am not leaving so I think I will go back in the house

Me: mhmh what I thought but I am sorry roc for what I did

Roc: nahh b**** it's not over u may have said sorry but I got that ahh tomorow

Me: no no please I am sorry just don't ok

Roc: no u did this u want to be all hard I got u

After that he left I walked in the house and ran right up stairs and cried cuz Ik what was going to happen tomorrow at school my thoughts got interrupted by my phone

Me: what's up with u baby

Princess: nun nun but y u always say that

Me: cuz my favorite cousin used to say to me all the time and now it's just stuck u know * sniffling*

Princess: what's wrong boo

Me: roc he came over and beat me then u know cam came out then roc going to lie and say I am a hoe and u know cam he believed him I poped of at the mouth agin to roc and I did to cam but u know if cam lay hand on me al got to do is call uncle tony and he will rip that ahh but now roc is going to get me

Princess: omg girl it's ok roc will not do any thing ok we got u even if Ray ej Princeton try to stop us we going to fight I am so tiered of this so tomorrow we fight

Me: I don't want y'all to get hurt

Princess: girl bye I am calling the rest of the girls to tell them about the plan just be ready to fight ok bye

Then she hung up the phone Uggg y me Ig saying sorry is not always excepted

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