I will do it

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G pov

G: Uggg where am I ( tied to a chair)

??: in my house u bitch

G: who the fuck are u

??: it's me zendaya

G: ugg the fuck u want

Zendaya: see I want roc and u

G: the fuck bitch u bi

Zendaya: yes I am and I think u are so sexy

G: thank u but I like dick kk

Zendaya: so I like dick to but then agin I like pussy so

G: that's nasty let me and chres go

Zendaya: nope only way is if I get what I want from u and roc

G: and that is

Zendaya: sex

G: eww hell no

Zendaya: that's the only way out

G: we'll I am going to be here for a min

Zendaya: I will be back in 1/2 an hour don't try nun or y'all die

G: I am so scared * sarcastic*

Zendaya: u need to be

Then she walked out man if this is not some fucked up shit ugg but good thing cam taught me how to tie and untie every type off knot there is so I started felling around the knot with the palm of my and and realized that it was a monkey knot and found the untied string and pulled it and the ropes fell off yess now to go find roc and leave I walked out the door and down the hall and opens every door tell I found roc in a chair tied up just like I was

Roc: bae where are we

G: oh the bitch didn't tell u we'll we are here cuz she wants to have sex with me and u she bi

Roc: she not geting nun off me and nun off u if she even think I am giving her the d she got me fucked up

G: we'll we need to get u untied so we can get going cuz she will be back in 30 min

Roc: ok untied me

I walked over to him and looked at the knot he hand the the hardest knot of them all the koko knot it's going to take me a long time to undo this

27 min later

I just got him untied now we got to leave so we took off running got to the stairs and saw her pointing a gun at us

Zendaya:well well well I see y'all got free

G: we did and so what u going to do shot us

Zendaya: yes

G: then do it cuz he is not fucking u and I am not either

Me and roc started to walk down the stairs

Zendaya: man fuck gco by g punching her dead in the face she fell to the ground she turned around and pointed the gun at roc and then I jumped in front of him taking his built strait to my chest the last thing I remember is roc saying the 3 words I thought he would never say I love u then I blacked out

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