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Princess pov 1 year later

What's up y'all long time no talk so I need to catch y'all all up on what's been happening the past year so g is in the hospital she has been in a coma for the last year it's hard on us except roc after about 6 mouths he stopped hoping she would wake up he started to fuck around with some pink headed chick name zonnique or Beauty to be honest I can't stand her like she is ugly and rude and talks to us any o kind of way like bitch no fuck off but today Me and the guys except roc and that pink headed bitch are going to see g today hopefully she gets up

In g hospital room

Ag: hey g girl Ik u can't umm hear me but I just wanted to say I love u girl

Ty: love u bae *crying*

Prince: hey lil sis I know u can't hear me but I love u so much just wake up for us

Princess: g baby girl come on I need u to wake up please I am begging u *holding her hand crying all over the bed*

G: Uggg

Ray:omfg she up she up get the doc

Ej ran out

Ty: baebs how u fell

G: pain in my chest

Doc came in

Doc: I see u finally woke up ms. Broden

How u fell

G: like shit my chest hurt

Doc: yah Ik I will give u some pain medicine for u good to have u back in the world

G:thanks{doc leaves} were is roc

Ag: umm g how do I say this

Princess: g we will tell u when u get better Hun

G: umm ok we'll I am going to sleep

Ej: u been sleep or 1 year now u going back

G: nigga shut the fuck up I am going to sleep but before I do see when can I leave cuz I miss my bed

Ag:*mumbling* i would not want to sleep in there

G: u say some ag

Ag: nah I am staying with u for the night

G: ok go ask the doc when I leave please

Ag: k

Left out then g went back to sleep

Ag pov

So it's been about an hour and ever one left except me and good news g can come home tomorrow I just hope when she see what roc is doing she doesn't go back to her old ways cuz she used to be the queen of the drug games before one of drug kings killed her grandmama she only got in to the drug game because of her ex bae Justin he broke her heart so she turned into a cold-blooded drug dealing killer I just hope she don't go back ugg I am the only one that knows about it cuz I used to be her right hand but she waking up so

Ag: hey sleepy head

G: hey were every one go

Ag: home to sleep and stuff

G: oh when can I go home

Ag: tomorrow because the still need to do sum test tonight so u got to be up


So the doc came and did all the test then we both went to sleep

Ty pov

Hey y'all omg I am so happy that the baes up yes thank good I missed her so but now how are we going to tell her about roc we'll the good thing is we made the construction crew come and add a new room cuz we all know she will have a fucking cow if she got to sleep in that room were roc and that pink headed roach have sex

Ty: aye roc

Roc: .....

Ty: roc mother fucking royal Ik your ass hear me

Beauty: y in the fuck u calling my man name y he trying to fuck me

Ty: bitch cuz I can I own half this house so I can call who ever in the hell I want

Beauty: and do it look like I give a fuck

Ty: get out get out of our mother fucking house omg I can't stand your ass bitch like jump off a god damn cliff and die bitch die

Beauty: umm I think not

Ty: either u walk out of here right or I beat that ass out which do you choose

Beauty: neither cuz u not about that life

Ty:{getting in her face} I may be shy when it comes to new people but u been around for about 6 months so bitch I ant shy to u so I will beat that ass

Next think u know beauty punched me in the face that's when the beast came out then I punched her right back making her fall to the ground then I got in top off her and starting beating her face in pulling out tracks left and right she was screaming for help but that's when I felt some one grab me off her and put me me on the shoulder tell I calmed down a bit about 2 min later he put me down I was a lil calmer I turned to see who did it but of course it was ej

Roc: what the hell is going on

Ty: that ugly roach u call bae that what

Roc:{turned to beauty} what u do

Beauty: nun she was calling your name and u know what we was trying to do so I was like df u want and she started bitching and stuff so she got in my face I punched her then we started fighting

Roc: come on bae just go back in the room

Beauty walked out.

Ty: I really hate u roc doing this shit to g

Roc: Ty how many times I got to tell u she dead not waking up she on life support she not here no more move the fuck on like I did

Ty: I will never move on u just wait ok yours is coming tonight or tomorrow or the next week or month it's coming ok just know that g was going to give her self to u that night she took that built for your bitch ass Uggg I hate u so much

Roc: look nobody told her to take it

Ty{walked up to roc and punched him dead in the face} kill your self now die on god I hate u with all my body mind and sol

Roc just walked off ugg can't wait to tell g what he said he just idk wow

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