The fight

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I woke up this morning with my mind on what's going to happen today I don't know why but I think they are going to kill us or all most kill us but Ik I need to fight back so i did my daily hygiene routine then I put on my black sweat pants and a blue crop top that said fight tho and my gamma blues and my hair in a high bun then grabbed my phone then ran down the stairs and out the door and got in the car and whent to get Ag and Princes

Ag: are y'all ready cuz Ik I am

Princess: yesssss girl I am to cuz I am done being scared for my life

Me: we'll idk like y'all know I will be the first one to say heck yah let's go but roc is bigger than me and Ik he is stronger than me this fight is going to be like throwing a human in a cage with a angry wild tiger

Ag: Ik we all fell the same but we got to do this

Princess: it's time to fight back

We just pulled in to the school we all hoped out fast then Ty comes from hanging with Emily

Ty: y'all ready for what's about to go down


Roc and he's crew came up to us

Me: hi roc nice d*gco* by roc punching me over and over tell princess pulls him of then he spat in my face and tried to go back at me but Ag Ty and princess jumped on him kicking him and slapping and punching then prince ej and Ray pulled them off roc and started beating them like crazy then roc came back and beat me more then every thing went black

What happens next???

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