Chapter One

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Most people would run when things started to get hard. They would realize when things were leaning towards the impossible.

However, I'm not most people. I'm a 1365 year old lycan. My daughter Davina and granddaughter Athena as well.

Immortal like the vampires. We are considered the pure-bloods of our race. Royalty!

But my daughter, granddaughter, and I are believed to be the last of our line. The vampires having hunted our kind for centuries. Forcing us into hiding and putting strains upon us. The other two bloodlines sharing our fate. Extinction was the ultimate goal. A goal that the vampires were very close to completing.

Having tried on multiple occasions to turn people and watch them die not long after at the very hands of the beings that's hunted us. Rather it be because they aren't strong enough to fight back or because a vampire finally catches them at the wrong possible moment.

Lycans and their subordinates were once a mighty race that could be found all over the world. They were the only thing keeping the vampires under control. Now they're barely considered worth while.

Rumors about other lycans are spreading like wildfire, the slaughter of a coven here, a group of werewolves being lead by someone powerful there.

"Mom we need to go. We've been here to long. At this rate they will finally catch up to us."

I look at my daughter long enough to let her know I heard her loud and clear. I honestly don't care anymore. Having been on the run for so long, around 739, has gotten really old. Having my friends and family taken from me.

I'm so close to making them pay. So close. Only one murder left. Only one family member lady to avenge.

"For crying out loud mom, he isn't coming just like all the others. Unless you force him to come here he's not coming. At the moment the vampires think that they are just hunting down a few stray wolves that they missed. They don't know the three of us are alive.

They think they wiped the lycans from existence. But if you sit here waiting on yet another pup to make his way here, then they will learn otherwise."

"Don't you think I know that. I mean damn Davina, I have been running almost your entire life and I've lived almost twice the years you have. I have fought them at every single turn, in every way I can, whenever I can. I started a race from nothing at the age of 24. Around 400 hundred years later I had help from the Lumenares and Crescents in building that race to even bigger proportions. Once I found out I was pregnant, I stopped and left it to the other two lycan family's. My pack disbanded, joining the Crescents, all that was left was me so I went into hiding. I left it to them to keep it going since they were as pure as me. That was my mistake and I will not make that mistake again. You have turned 13 people in the last year in the hopes to try to start again. I have gave each one the same opportunity I did when I first started, join or go rouge. I will not invoke my alpha status to force them to join me."

I get up and head to the door. Over having the same conversation over and over again. I wasn't going to keep listening to it.

"Why don't you turn people. You might have a higher success rate than we do, your the first of our kind. We've never had to before now. You told us biteing a mortal was a death sentence because man kind would hunt us down and kill use. Once the Vampires started attacking and wiping us out, Athena was the first to take up the mantle for our family again. Speaking of my niece, were in the hell has she gone. I told her to check on the pup and come straight back."

I spun around and glared at her. "You did what? Have you lost your rabid ass mind. Her scent will give her away to every single supernatural out there. You know she cant mask it as well as we can. They will know exactly what she is. You have signed her death warrant."

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