Chapter Three

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Silvia's POV

I know its cowardly to run, but it's what has kept my family and me alive this far. So that's what we keep doing, running for our lives.

We cant really fight anyways. Three lycans and a newly turned verses thousands of vampires and 11 Pure-bloods is not a fight to begin with, it's a massacre. We might be able to take a few down with us but in the end it wouldn't matter.

So that's why we are running for Knoxville. The home of the once mighty Crescent pack.

Athena believes that there may be a few wolves left alive and in hiding there. So she has talked Davina and me into letting our scents run free. The three of us road through the neighboring cities and towns in hopes of drawing them out.

"Silvia, do you have any ideas about what to do if something goes wrong?"

I leave my thoughts to turn and look at Jason. "Yes and its simple really. It's called kick ass and ask questions later. Now we have ten minutes until we get there, be patient."

"Mom you must be out of your mind because we are already here."

I turn back around to see that I must have been deeper in thought then I originally realized because she was pulling in next to an abandoned factory.

"Alright, everyone out. We have things to do, places to be, and people to see." Davina stars to shew us out of the car

I look at Davina and smile as I get out. Some things haven't changed and I hope they never do.

I head into the factory and look around while they get everything out. It wasn't to large, shelves were scattered here and there and two rooms were in the back. One was on top of the other with stairs leading to it in the front. Thats were I will be staying.

"Silvia, Davina wants to know if it's alright for me to go with her on her rounds." Jason asks me while placing a bag on the floor.

"Why sure! Just be careful. I have some things I need to do as well." he says thank you and runs back out the door. Youth, something I no longer contain even if it looks like I'm only in my twenties.

After spending a few minutes getting everything set up and locating what I was looking for I head out with Athena right behind me.

People passed by us here and there and a few look our way. Other than one saying we were sexy and trying to grab Athena, nearly lossing his hand in the process, no one payed us much attention. Just how we liked it, problem free.

"Silva the house should be around this corner."


We round the corner and head to the door. I watch to see if anyone is comeing while Athena knocks a few times.

After a couple seconds I hear someone running around inside before it stops a little ways away from the door.

"Sonya I know your in there. I heard you tripping around in there, so please just open the door and don't make me kick it down for a fourth time. You know I will and it must cost a lot to fix it."

A few seconds later she answers. "Fine! Why can't you just leave me alone for once you damn psychopath."

The door opens to reveal a young woman with wavy black hair. She leans up against the door with her hand on her hip. "What do you need now Silvia. You would think that after everything I've done for you, you would finally think my debt is repayed." she steps to the side to let us in.

"Looking for someone here and there doesn't repay a life debt sonya. Saving My life or Davina and Athenas life will. As to what I need, I need you to try and send a message to any remaining Lycans if they are still out there." I sit on the couch and look at her while Athena looks around the house.

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