Chapter Four

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The picture above is Orlando bloom as Adam.

I want to thank anyone that is reading my book, It means a lot to me. I hope that you are enjoying it. Please comment and let me know what you think.

The air was a lot fresher here. The smell of pine trees mixed with the cool breeze blowing in the window. The wilderness replacing the city air that smelled of gas and smoke with a fresh smell. The change was amazing and we welcomed it. But we were not here to enjoy the scenery.

"Were are we now?" I lean my head back against the headrest.

Athena smiles at me with a huge grin. "We are right were we need to be. So keep your eyes out."

I look back out the window after I turn the radio up and listen as 'I Don't Wanna Live Forever' starts to play, how ironic.

Athena starts to laugh. "You have to be joking. This song!"

I look at her while she looks looks out the windshield giggleing.

When she realizes how quite it is she glances at me every few seconds. "What?"

I starts to laugh at the confused face Athena is giving me. "Your what!"

She stops glancing at me and focuses on driving. "I cant help it, that song just had to play when we are about to arrive in the territory of an immortal, we are chasing an immortal, are immortal ourselves, and are being hunted by immortals. So you cant blame me for getting a laugh out of it."

"Okay, you can laugh latter. Its time to get started. Time to stop blocking that scent of yours and roll the window down."

She does want I say and I watch as buildings start to fly by.

After we drive around the area for about an hour. We find an abandoned building and decided to hide out there so we can wait for visitors and also have room to fight as well as hide if needed depending on the situation.

The building looks like a really old sowing factory, with stations still set up here and there. They even still have equipment on them.

Dust and cobwebs cover everything from floor to ceiling. Glass is littered everywhere, sparkling were the evening light hits them, reflecting across the walls.

Athena was holding her hand in front of one of the beams. "This place would be beautiful if it wasn't for all the dust and cobwebs."

I smile at her before I look around some more.

All the rooms were like this from the looks of it, but one was clean enough for me. So I start putting our things in the room. Athena starts setting up what little we got.

"I am going to head out so can you finish here?"

I don't actually give her time to reply before im walking down the hall and out the door.

I walk around the city looking at everything. People just scrambling about with their daily lives. Oblivious to my presence and everything else in the shadows of their day to day lives. Well, all but a few. A man in his early twenties with black hair is watching me, and not in a your pretty kind of way either. More like the I'll kill you if I catch you kind of way. A few friends spread out around me.

He doesn't seem like much and they definitely don't, but then again nether do I if your just looking at me. So I just continue with my walk while they follow me. Not even trying to hide that I know they are doing so.

After about ten minutes of being tailed, I lose him by turning into an alley. Most would say its a stupid move. Me, well I say its a damn good one.

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