Chapter Two

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Athena, Jason, Davina, and I left not long after the incident. We didn't want to take a chance on the vampires catching up to us again.

The Rain was making it hard to run when they could chase us during the day. Especially after the vampire I threw through the wall got away with the information that two Lycans still existed, Athena and me. They didn't know Davina was still alive since she stayed behind to get everything ready for departure and they probably thought Jason was a regular werewolf.

Which is fine with me because it gave us an advantage in a way. The one thing I cant figure out though is how the vampire survived me slamming her skull into a brick wall with all my strength. Only a Pure-blood could do that and I didn't sense anything from her that indicated as much.

"Athena, did you sense anything from the first vamp I attacked?" I turned around in the passenger seat to look at her.

"It was really faint but yes, it felt kind of like that of a Pure-blood. It was really faint though. So I don't know what clan she was from." she turned away from the window to look at me.

"Do you remember what she looked like?"

"No." she then turned back to looking out the window.

"If it helps I do. I watched her get up and run after the guy grabbed me. She had blonde hair, but it had to of been dyed. Her roots were starting to grow back out and they were silver. Her eyes were a really bright blue to, like they seemed to be glowing type of blue." Jason was looking at me with determination in his eyes.

"Mom, that sounds like she was a Lumenare. Yet she couldn't have been. The Lumenares haven't been seen in over a hundred years."

"Davina just drive. Oh, and you seem to be forgetting a little something. The Lumenares share a bloodline with the Florescents remember. The Lumenares had a kid with a human, he was miraculously a lycan. Said human was then turned into a vampire by the Florescents and ended up having a Pure-blood baby girl. Which means that vampire was a Florescent, not a Lumenare, and if i had to guess I'd say she was Elizabeth. Which is also a surprise considering how she is supposed to be an ally. So why did she run?"

"Mom, you did kind of do the hole slam head into brick wall ask questions later thing. You know that right?" she looked at me and didn't notice the car in front of us.

"Davina watch the damn road." I yell, placing my right hand on the roof of the car and my other arm in front of her. "We may be considered Immortal, but I'd rather not test it out anytime soon. Especially since we all know Jason isn't."


"Just drive."

~~Elizabeth's POV~~

I rush into the mansion heading straight for my moms office. She had a lot to listen to, as well as questions she needed to answer.

I reach the door and walk in without knocking and just start yelling. "You could have warned me about what they were fucking tracking. I almost lost my head because I didn't have all the information for crying out loud. Do you even know what they were tracking? Do you?" she just stares at me for a second with a surprised yet this is funny look.

"How could I give you information I myself did not have until later Liz. I told you to be careful and keep a close eye on your surroundings. It's not my fault if you forgot to do that. I also told you that I heard down the blood trails that they were hunting the remaining werewolves that they believe to have missed during the purge. Now would you like to calm down and explain what happened?" She got up and walked around her desk to stand in front of me.

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