Chapter Six

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Sonya POV

My hand was starting to get sore from the constant writing I've done the past two hours. I considered waiting so I could take a break, but as my mother always tells me, college waits for no one. You either get it done on time or fail. I don't fail.

So when I get a nock on my door, that's what I'm still doing, writing.

"Sonya, will you please open the door. It's not really safe for us out hear." Jason tells me through the door.

I couldn't help but find the statement a little confusing as I stand and make my way through my living room and to the front door, opening it just enough to peek out.

What I find is an extremely handsome man, A cute looking young man with his all to clear overprotective sister with her resting bitch face, and Jason.

"Can I help you all with something?" I inquire as I step outside the door and close it behind me. The woman with the resting bitch face steps forward.

"Silvia has asked us to bring you to her." She spits out at me as she places her hand on her hip and looks down at me despite the fact that I'm taller.

Her attitude could use some serious work. Well, that or this girl needs to find herself a boyfriend. Something has got to brighten her clearly gray world.

I walk over and place my hands on her shoulders, getting a disgusted look in return. "I have one word for you my dear girl. Boyfriend! Give me three minutes and I can find his ass, because you clearly need some light in your life." The look she gives me is a little frightening but I've already started. "What? Is boys not your thing. I have a spell for that too... Don't you worry. It will probably take me an extra minute, but give me the time and I will find her like a hawk finds its pray. Trust me."

Jason yanks me out of the way just in time to keep my head attached to my body. A clawed hand finding it's place were my neck used to be.

"I've clearly hit a nerve!" I wisper to Jason. Earning a few chuckle from all the guys. Ehh, it's not like I really care anyway.

I remove my arm from Jasons grip and head back inside, only reemerging once I have my family grimoire in hand. I push the grouch out of my way and start heading for my car, turning around long enough to tell them to come on.

The ride was surprising fun as well, which it tends to be when a Lycan turns for the first time while sitting in your front seat. That's when the speed limit becomes nonexistent as you fly down the highway like a hurricane screaming for them not to damage the seat.

I glance over at the silver veins that have spread throughout Jasons body and can't help the grimace my face makes at the sight of his pain. His eyes now glowing a bright amber color as his unshed tears finally begin to fall... his sharp canines puncturing his lips as they grow. His muscles bulging and bones cracking as the change progresses.

"It's not even a damn full moon." I screach has his sharp nails dig into my seat, ripping it and making me want to cry. "Slow the hell down will you!"

I quickly glance through my rearview mirror at my other three passengers. Each of them smiling like the damn joker while they enjoy the ride. Well except for the grouch. The guys laugh as I swerve to keep from hitting a car in front of us.

Relief flows through me at the sight of the abandoned factory not to far in the distance. So I step on it and swing the car in like a bat out of hell, jumping out of the car and running around to the passenger side, screaming Silvia's name the entire time.

I swing the door open and instantly regret it. "Noooo, can you please not bleed on the seat. I'll have to clean that later." I cry out as I try to pry him out of the car only to get pushed aside as Silvia reaches in and pulls him out like it's nothing at all. She apologizes and quickly vanishes back inside.

Sighing, I look up at the sky. My blood running cold at the sight of the full moon staring back. I could have swore that we had another day or two.

"What the hell.Why in the hell is it playing peekaboo today of all days." I yell at the giggle idiots while pointing at the moon as they finally get out of my car.

"Do we look like astronomers to you, figure it out your damn self." Keira growls at me. I learned her name during the ride after I called her bitch face. She wasn't very happy with the nickname.

Annoyed by her rude answer, I wave my hand in her direction and send her flying, her surprised scream giving me satisfaction. Not bothering to make sure if she gets back up or not, I head inside as well. The sound of Jasons screams echoing throughout the building.

The moment the door closes I wish I was back at home. People stop all around me and just stare, making me extremely uncomfortable. Trying to ignoring them, I follow the sound of Jasons voice.

I find him laying on the floor in the fetal position, Silvia sitting next to him trying to talk him through it. Blood was running out of his mouth, eyes, and even his ears of all places. The most noticable places were where his skin was riping, fur trying to break through.

She leans over him and places her hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look at her. "Jason, I need you to stop fighting it. I know it hurts like hell, but if you don't stop Fighting it, it will kill you." The tears continue to run down his face, mixing with his blood. "Just let it go. I'm right here... I'm not going anywhere."

His blue eyes finally meet hers for the first time as he inhales. His body going completely still once he closes his eyes and exhales. Within seconds reddish blonde fur races across his skin, the sound of bones breaking as they rearrange fills the room. Silvia gets up and backs away from him smiling.

We both watch as Jason rises from the floor. His muscles rippling underneath his fur. His ears move around listening, the tips a sandy brown color. We both look up at him and watch as he opens his eyes once more, the soft blue replaced by a bright amber.

He looks at Silvia and sighs. "Please tell me that it won't hurt as bad next time." He asks her, his voice deeper than in his human form, yet still soft and kind. We both laugh at how innocent his sounds when he looks like a terrifying monster.

"It gets easier-" she tell him as she places her hands on each side of his snout and lays her forehead against his, "- I promise, but for know stay here and get used to being in this form."

She drops her hands and turns to me. "I need you to place wards throughout the factory. Slade will be here within the hour." She informs me.

Terror seeps into my bones. But it pales in comparison to my anger and hatred.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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