Chapter One

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The limo jerked forward as the stoplight turned green, and the tension in the car could be cut with a knife. Louis tapped the screen of his IPhone wildly, groaning and rolling his eyes every now and then. He looked over the top of the screen and glared at his stepfather, Mark, as their eyes connected and Louis rolled his in return.

Another groan escaped his lips, “Listen, Louis, I know you might not like this now but trust me, summer camp is fun and you’ll come home with a smile on your face.” Louis locked his phone and sat it on his lap, laughing a sarcastic laugh, “no the fuck I won’t because I told your ass that I don’t fucking like this kind if shit.”

Mark cringed at the profanities being thrown about, but he understood why Louis was acting like this. He never went outside to enjoy the outdoors, the closest he’d gotten was eating in the outside portion of restaurants.

In a way he felt bad for making him go to this place, but he also felt like Louis was being a bit of a brat; he did own the place after all, he was in good hands. As the limo turned off of the paved road and on to a dirt one, Louis flashed through a mix of emotions; fear, hatred, and frustration.

He looked like he was completely lost in the haze of trees around him. He was familiar with distinct, unique buildings to guide him home, but all of these trees looked the same, yet completely unorganized. He hated it. “Of all of your businesses and cooperations to send me to over the summer, you sent me too this shit-hole, an all boys camp,” the limo driver glanced back, “Lou, please stop cursin-,” Louis cut him off, “I could’ve been working backstage with world renown models, or creating my own clothing line, but no. You choose to send me here,” Louis confirmed, “Bullshit.”

He looked out the window, trying not to gag at how sporadic and random the trees were; it was just unnatural to him. The limo came to a gentle stop and he quickly jumped out, “Lou, since you’re so set on not staying here, you can come back home,” Louis looked offended. “So you’re going to bring me all the way here, and have me get out of the car before you change your mind,” he scoffed as the driver ran to get his seven bags of luggage. Louis slammed the door without saying goodbye to Mark and followed the driver to the camper check-in. 


Louis slowly made his way to his cabin due to all of the luggage he had to haul along with him. One guy offered to help him get to where he was going, but he was so agitated with having to stay here for the summer, that he yelled and sent him away. It took him almost half an hour, when it should’ve taken him five minutes, to walk from the check-in to his cabin. The whole time he groaned in pain, this was the most he’d lifted, ever actually, and he knew he wasn’t cut out for it.

He knew he looked weak, but each one of the bags had to weigh at least ten pounds. When he finally arrived to the cabin, found a tan, dark haired guy already asleep on one of the beds, and the guy who tried to help him earlier waiting at the door. “So you didn’t want that help,” he mocked, “no, and I still don’t want anything you have to offer me.”

Louis rolled his eyes as he squeezed everything through the narrow doorway, “are you sure you’ve got it, if you get any louder, you might wake Zayn,” he glanced at the sleeping boy. Louis threw all of his bags down beside the last bet that hadn’t yet been taken and turned to face the really annoying kid that wouldn’t leave him alone.

“Listen, I already don’t want to be here, and you are just making it ten times worse. Why do you even want to help me so bad; if I let you would you actually leave me alone,” Louis said, laced with frustration. “Yeah, sure, I’ll leave you alone,” he agreed. He and Louis then opened all of the bags and laid them on the floor, trying to give the situation some kind of organization. 


Their arms ached from folding clothes for so long, but they were determined to get it done, “why did you bring so many clothes, this is enough for two years,” he asked.Louis chuckled, “I need options, this is only enough for about a month or two.”

Louis watched as the guy’s arms flexed, he knew he was tired of folding, but he kept going. That was unusual to him. Louis was the type to give up whenever he got tired, because that’s what he was raised doing. So when this random guy offered to help and didn’t stop even when he was tired came along, it surprised him.

“So,“ Louis started out of the blue, “what’s your name,” he smiled brightly, “I completely forgot about that, yeah, my name is Harry Styles, and yours.” His dimples were prevalent and curls askew, “Louis Tomlinson,” he greeted as his green eyes pierced right through him, in a good way. “I like that name, it suits you.” They rounded off the last few clothes and heard commotion from behind them, “yeah, okay, I’m awake now. My name is Zayn, I don’t like outside, or people, and probably you guys, but we have to be at the mess hall in five minutes so lets get this over with.”

Louis glanced questioningly at Harry, “you didn’t know,” the green eyed boy asked, Lou shook his head, agreeing that he didn’t know. “The camp counselors want to confiscate all electronics to make the camp more enjoyable.” His mouth fell open, “what the fuck,” Louis yelled as he stood to his feet, “who do they think they are.”

Zayn stood from his bed and grabbed a shirt from his suitcase, putting it on, “I take it you were forced to come here too.” He started gently pushing the two other boys out of the cabin, “it will be fine, let’s just go.”


"Okay, everyone please make a single file line in order to give up your electronics. They will be returned at the end of camp, or in a time of emergency; the quicker this happens, the more fun we can have later." Zayn rolled his eyes as he tapped away on his phone, "I hate how they sugar coat this shit, every fucking year," Louis glanced over at him, "how many years have you been coming here." Zayn nonchalantly answered, "seven years."

The line moved along quickly giving Louis less time to tweet everything he had stored in his drafts. He was standing in front of the bucket to deposit his phone but he kept typing, "sir, please put the phone down," he ignored the woman, "sir," she warned. He rolled his eyes and sent the tweet, turning his phone off.

"I understand they want us to have fun, but what are we going to do during the time when were laying around in the cabin." Louis asked, dwelling on the loss of contact of his phone as they all walked back to the cabin, "I just go to sleep," Zayn said. "I guess we can hang out with other people from other cabins, or go on a nature walk."

Zayn and Louis simultaneously stopped walking and glared at Harry, "a fucking nature walk, " Louis questioned, "yeah they’re actually kinda fun, I could take you on one." Louis looked at Harry like he was crazy, he thought he would've gathered enough information about him to know that he absolutely hated nature. "What possibly could be fun about a nature walk; their are no malls or anything. I would call it bullshit," Louis earned a laugh from Zayn.

"I'll take you on one sometime," Harry insisted, watching as the shorter boy rolled his eyes. "Stop," Zayn halted them immediately," why are we sto-," he shushed Louis. Three guys almost instantaneously walked in front of them, almost stepping on their feet. Louis got a little annoyed, who did they think they were. He could have them killed if he really wanted to. "Those are the guys from the alpha cabin, they think a little too highly of themselves."

Harry studied the back of their heads, wishing that he could burn a whole through them for almost stepping on Louis. "Who are they, actually I have a better question, who do they think they are?" Louis asked with his eyebrows knit together. "Niall, Josh, and Liam, they all have rich daddies that buy them the latest sports equipment; you don't want to mess with them," Zayn mocked sarcastically." I don't give a fuck who they are, I'll fuck them up," the blue eyed boy threatened, gaining a giggle from both guys.

"This whole camp treats them like royalty. If you try anything with them outside of the games we play, the punishment is pretty severe." They made it back to the cabin and lounged on their beds, "I already don't want to be here, so if they pull some shit like that again, I swear I wont hold back." Harry rolled onto his back, looking at Louis upside-down, "we could always take them down in the games."

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