Chapter Three

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Louis woke abruptly as he felt lanky arms wrapped around his waist; he liked it, but no one had ever held him like that before, he wasn't used to it. He immediately jumped from the bed, causing Harry to stir to life also, "what's wrong Lou," he asked groggily.

Louis tugged on a jacket and his moose slippers and slowly walked out of the cabin without without answering the question, He pulled his hood over his head and stuffed his hands in his pockets, it was a very frigid and and overcast morning, he somewhat briskly walked to the mess hall to get breakfast. He was just trying to get his shitty breakfast and get back to the shitty cabin as fast as possible. Louis walked into the mess hall and saw a sparse amount of people, picking stale-looking food from a long table, "ughh," he groaned inconsequentially.

He grabbed a plate and scanned all of the food items, none of them looking appealing; from the flat sodas, to the slowly rotting fruit, he was disgusted. In that moment he simply wondered,' who convinced Mark to make the dumbass decision of running a summer camp.' Louis got to the end of the long table and only managed to grab a bread roll, and a packaged artificial orange juice.

He walked out of the hall and his eyes roamed around the camp haphazardly, he then let his eyes settle on one guy who was walking towards him. Louis had seen him before, one of those dicks that thought that they were the best thing that ever happened to the camp.

To be honest, Louis thought he was quite muscular, and he looked a little like Josh Hutcherson, but he wasn't his type. They both kept walking even though the random guy was walking straight towards him, and not showing signs of moving out of the way. Louis found this to be the perfect opportunity to show these bitches who really ran the camp.

He bumped into the guy and watched his bread and him fall to the ground with a wide smirk, "Watch where you fucking walk bitch," the guy spat angrily as he got to his feet. "I think you should watch who the fuck you're talking to," Louis yelled back furiously, "LOUIS," he heard in the distance, "LOUIS STOP." Zayn and Harry came running up to the two boys ready to fight, Harry quickly pulled Louis away and Zayn apologized to the guy.

The three walked back to their cabin and Zayn explained what could've happened if they didn't show up. "That was Josh, Josh Devine. His dad owns a brand of sports equipment and he himself has been on steroids since he started coming to this camp; he used get pushed around by everyone."

Louis snarled as they entered their cabin, "I don't care who his father is, and I don't care what addictions he has, I want to fuck him up," Harry sat him down on his bed in attempt to calm him down. "Don't fucking touch me, Harry," he fought, offending Harry slightly. Zayn paced across the room as he tousled his locks, "Lou, you can't," he tried to explain, "they are so high up in this camp, they're pampered like kings." Louis shrugged and crossed his arms, clearly showing off that he didn't care, "I'll be surprised if he doesn't report you." Harry stopped staring at Louis for a second, and locked eyes with Zayn, "what happens if he gets reported."

Zayn's bed squeaked under his weight as he sat down with a sigh, "he most likely would get sent to the detention center." Zayn continued speaking as if he'd done this a million times, "these guys are under the impression that everyone loves this place and the outdoors, so what they do is send you to a room with nothing in it." Louis huffed and changed into some clothes suitable for the day. "I'm going back to bed, wake me up if you get in trouble," both other boys examined him, "it's almost one in the afternoon," Harry announced. "yeah I know.


Harry led Louis out of the cabin and plainly started walking, eventually off of the trail, and into the forest. "I just can't fucking stand not having my own voice in this place, I'm treated like a damn criminal here," the oceanic eyed boy yelled, as no one was around to hear them. Harry listened intently as he just let the wind be his guide, "I mean, why the fuck do those guys think they're so special; because their fathers are rich, bitch me too."

Harry stopped walking after about ten minutes and stared at Lou with adoration coating his eyes, "what the fuck is your problem," Louis asked. Harry grinned and felt his way from the other boys shoulder, to his fingertips, and interlocking them with his, "calm down babe, it's not that serious." Louis froze -he would never willingly admit that he loved Harry's affection- he had to survey the situation; he had to remind himself, Harry didn't mean anything to him.

He hated everyone at this camp, including Harry, but maybe a little less, or not at all. "Can we climb a tree," Louis asked with unintentional puppydog eyes, Harry kissed his cheek- Louis heart might've stopped for a second, no big deal-, "of course cutie." Harry led them up a tree, just as he did before, but this time a little bit more handsy and intimate.

He would guide him with his hands on his hips, and pull him up to another branch with delicate touches, as if Louis was made of glass. Eventually, Louis forgot about his problems and it was just he and Harry. He liked it that way. If that was all that the camp consisted of, he'd actually love it.


"So how were you treated back at home," Harry asked as they sat on the branch, "like a king, I didn't necessarily want to be though," Louis didn't know what it was about Harry, he felt like he was required to open up to him or he would feel guilty that he he didn't know the truth. The same way someone in a relationship would feel.

"Why wouldn't you want that, it sounds pretty good," Harry said with a chuckle, "you wouldn't understand," Louis said as he stood and started walking down the branches. "Lou wait, don't fall, I was just trying to say that you should just let it happen, let people love you," Harry justified, following him down. Louis let some tears fall as he neared the bottom of the tree, "I don't want to if it's for the wrong reason," Harry tried to catch up to him, "why Louis, just give it a chance."

Both boys were agitated as they reached the bottom and faced each other, "Louis you're rich, you have the potential to be so happy. I would do anything in the world to trade places with you," Harry said out of frustration, "That's it, that's exactly fucking it," the shorter boy yelled back.

"What are you even talking about," Harry asked, slightly offended, "You think that just because I have money that automatically makes my life perfect. Fuck, if anyone, I would've expected you to know that's not true. Harry, my family hasn't been all in the same place in three years, everyone I know loves me for the money my parents make. Does that sound like happy to you? I have no one." Louis stared at Harry with stagnant tears in his eyes, he was too focused on him to cry, "you have me."

Louis started walking towards the camp, "fuck you, Harry." He ran his hands through his curls, "why won't you let down your walls, " the curly haired boy yelled after him, with no reply, "why won't you let me love you."


Louis wiped the tears from his face as quick as they fell, he couldn't be seen looking like this. He didn't know how Harry ended up pulling tears out of him, he never cried; maybe because Harry was special to him.

No. Fuck that he hated Harry, he couldn't just all of a sudden let someone in now. No one had ever gotten as close to Louis as Harry had in two days, and Harry hadn't gotten that far with him. Louis arrived back at his cabin to reveal a groggy Zayn chatting with an old guy. "That's him right there," Zayn said and pointed at Louis, the guy turned and walk towards the confused boy.

"Thank you, Mr. Malik, Mr. Tomlinson, please come with me," the two started walking out of the cabin and Louis turned to Zayn to flash a confused face. He slowly mouthed an apologetic, 'sorry.'


Louis was walked to the detention center, with eyes that could kill shooting daggers at everyone that passed. He was pissed that Josh would actually tell someone that he got knocked down; it wasn't even that big of a deal.

He sat in the empty, cream coloured room staring at nothing but the ceiling, floor, and the four empty walls. He sighed as he sat trying not to think about what he knew eventually invade his thoughts, Harry. He really would rather not have him know any detail about his life, but he knew that Harry had the capability to know more about him, he was kind of willing to tell him.

Maybe Harry wasn't so bad, he was always willing to listen, and he was affectionate, and he definitely was attractive. He actually cared about Louis, a characteristic that no one else had other than his own mother. He decided that maybe he could get used to that.

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