Chapter Seven

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Louis' moist breath coiled in the brisk morning air, "I didn't know it would be this cold this morning, it's mid summer," Harry started with his fingers laced together with Louis. "The counselors said it would be cold, but I didn't think we would be able to see our breaths." Louis looked around at his surroundings, the forest they were currently walking through, Harry's hand in his, and a genuine smile on his face.

"This is so different, I would never do this," he said with his eyes still roaming around the forest. "What's different, Lou," Harry asked, he huffed out letting some more steam escape his mouth, "I would never have walked through a forest, with my boyfriend that actually loves me, with a smile on my face."

The camp was now in our sights, as were walking back from climbing trees that was now almost a daily thing. "Well, don't ever think that I don't love you boobear, because I always will," Harry assured. Louis then breathed on the fresh scent of pine, one that he hated upon entry, but now he didn't think he could live without it. It reminded him of a place that was more than home. It reminded him of Harry.


"So I've been thinking about that whole plan or whatever that you brought up, Harry," Zayn said as we walked into the cabin, "what plan," Harry said, looking at Zayn with utter confusion written on his face, "you know, that plan that you had about taking down the Alpha cabin from the first day."

Harry took off his his jacket exposing a sliver of his chest, but pulling it back down quickly, "yeah, the one that you two shot down insanely fast." Zayn snapped his fingers and pointed to Harry, "that's the one," this was the most enthusiastic the two had seen him about anything.

"All of the campers are going to play dodgeball and that's their favorite game, it would be the perfect opportunity to take them down." The boys changed into proper sports attire, and although Louis didn't play sports, Harry thought he looked incredibly sexy wearing sportswear. "Why the sudden change of heart, all you've wanted to do was stay under the radar, now you want to practically destroy them," Zayn shrugged his shoulders. "It just felt like it was time to do something, and with what I have in mind, they won't bother us anymore."


"Okay everyone there are three people per cabin and there will be four cabins per team. Meaning you and you cabin mates have to team up with three other cabins and work together." After the guys teamed up with the other cabins the three huddled up, "Okay they're on the opposite team, no one else is going to aim for them because they're scared to; that's how they always win.

We have to aim for places that would hurt; the face the crotch, even the back or the chest, these shirts are thin," Zayn explained. Louis nodded, "so pretty much you want us to hurt them as much as possible and get away with it," Zayn nodded vigorously, "yes, as much as possible." The referee clapped his hands together, "okay everyone get on your lines, you know the rules, ready, set, go." Everyone rushed towards the center and grabbed their ball.

Louis chose to stay back and wait until the balls were thrown at him. Multiple people threw balls at him, they thought he was being cocky and standing still because he knew they weren't good enough to hit him. That was partially true, but he just didn't feel like moving unless it was necessary. After about a minute of people throwing balls at him, all of the balls that were being used had gathered behind Louis. His teammates all highfived him as they passed to get a ball, with Harry's turning into a subtle sign off affection. "Everyone hold your fire," someone screamed and everyone kept the balls in their hands, "now," he screamed and all of the balls were launched at one time. About half of the people got out but all of the Alpha cabin stayed.

Through all of the chaos that broke loose, Zayn threw a ball straight at Niall's crotch, sending him to the ground. Harry then threw one at Josh, having the anger of how he treats Louis fuel the throw. Josh was also sent to the ground and out of the game with a big red mark on his right cheek, Liam stood there bewildered as his two best mates were out.

Everyone slowly started to get out, Zayn included, "do you think we can pull this off babe," Louis nodded and dodged two more balls. Eventually it was down to just Liam, Harry and Lou, Liam had two balls in hand.

One was thrown at Louis but he dodged it with ease, Harry looked to him and gave him a smirk, but it resulted in his demise. Liam took the opportunity to nail Harry in the side. He stood up and limped to the sidelines, "what was that for," Louis yelled to Liam, "it's just a game, calm down." Louis started walking towards Liam, he crossed over the line onto the other teams side, "referee, he's cheating," he called out. Louis continued to walk and Liam started to back up a little, "Louis get back on your side," he ignored him and continued to walk.

Louis raised up his fist and swung it as hard as he could at the cocky boy, he also fell to the ground. Louis thought he felt the bones in his nose crunch, but he didn't care. Liam rolled around on the ground with blood trickling down his face, screaming in pain, "calm down bitch, it was just a punch." Louis kicked Liam so that he was laying on his back, he then spit on his face and knelt down to whisper in his ear.

"Don't touch my fucking boyfriend."


Louis sat in the detention center again for the third time in a week, he started to relate this place to solitary confinement. He had three days in there, alone, the only times the doors would open was when they came to give him the shitty food that they made. He figured it was worth it though, to him it was a fair trade, Harry got slammed into a fence, so Liam's nose got broken.

He sat in one of the multiple chairs scattered around the room with a wide grin on his face, he knew at least when he got out he and the rest of his cabin wouldn't have any problems from the Alpha cabin. "Well well well, you three meet again," one of the counselors said as he shoved Zayn and Harry into the room, "I see why you all were in the same cabin, you're all troublemakers."

He closed the door and we heard it lock, "what the fuck are you guys doing in here," Louis asked as he stood up. "We got in a fake fight so we could be in here too. As far as they know, Harry tried to strangle me and I tried to gouge his eyes out," the two chuckled as they took their seats.

"We have three days in here just like you, because we didn't want you to go crazy in here by yourself," Harry indicated. "So we can all go crazy together," Louis prompted making the three of them laugh hysterically. "Thank you guys, it's crazy how fast I've grown to love being at this camp," Zayn nodded, "well, we can't really enjoy it for the next three days, but the rest of the summer is ours, guys."

Harry's hand brushed up against Louis making him face his boyfriend and a smile to fall on his face, "yes it is."

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