Chapter Five

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"So why do you keep coming here every year," Harry asked as all three boys got dressed, "well um," Zayn started. "My parents used to send me here when I was a child because I supposedly spent too much time drawing, and playing with my action figures," he clarified. "But now, I don't know why they keep making me come. I think it's because I have no freinds and I sleep all the time," he chuckled, "but I like it that way; I don't have to deal with bullshit."

Harry watched him as he sifted through his clothes, watching his smile slowly falter, "you have us, Zayn." Zayn pulled on a pair of pants, "I don't need you, or anyone," he rejected, "but thank you guys." Louis looked at the two boys smiling cordially at Zayn, "so why are we going to this camp meeting again." They all finished putting on clothes and headed out the door, "they want to initiate the games or something, I think," Zayn answered. Louis groaned in frustration, "can't wait."


"Okay, listen up boys, we are passing out to you the attire for the first game we will be playing in a couple of minutes, if you don't like it, grow a pair, if you do, quit you pervert." Louis was baffled at how rude the counselors were being, he knew he himself could be a prick, but this was outrageous. "Get in a single file line, and come get 'em," she ordered. Louis stood in the line with the others and waited for the uniforms, "what is the first game that we play," Harry asked.

"Their are three games, two are today, the final is tomorrow, and the first one is Bumber Tag. The objective is the same as regular tag, but you have to tag the person with your hips, so a gentle hip bump is necessary, "the counselor explained coincidentally. "You will be working in the the teams of three assigned by cabin, if one of you get tagged, all of you are, 'it,' and all of you search for another team." She scanned the audience of overly excited guys, then her eyes fell on Louis, with his hard attitude, "hurry up and get outside," she ordered to the guys in general, but with eyes locked on Lou.

The three boys headed outside and simply found somewhere to sit, they weren't picked to be seekers, and didn't see a reason to run around if they were safe. All of the other guys were frantically sprinting to places trying to avoid the seekers whenever they weren't even in sight, 'dumbasses,' Louis thought. "The Delvecio cabin is now the seeker," the intercom sounded, they though this was kind of pointless considering that Harry and Louis didn't know the people in the cabins. If they didn't have Zayn both boys would've simply given up.

"The Alpha cabin is now the seeker," Zayn jerked up from his sitting position, "what, how," he questioned. The other two confused boys stood up too," what happened," Harry asked, "they never get tagged, they're too good. I think they want to get someone tagged on purpose," he explained, Louis was met with concerned gazes from both boys. He sighed, "they're so fucking childish, they're mad that I pushed them down so they're going to tag me-," he was suddenly pulled roughly by Harry.

"Run," Zayn yelled, Louis ran with Harry, glancing behind them to see all three guys chasing them. They were obviously going to catch them but they ran as far as they could before that happened.

Harry and Louis were pushed to the ground and Zayn kept running, unaware. The curly haired boy tried to get up and run again but was slammed into a fence by the really buff guy with arrow tattoos. "Harry," Louis screamed as he saw his head smack into the wooden fence. He stood and tried to run to Harry, but was grabbed by the hips and thrusted roughly, feeling someone's blatantly erect dick. "Tag, you're it," Josh said with a smirk as bit his lip, "fuck you," Louis slapped him with all of his strength.

Harry was laid out on the ground and the buff guy and the blonde guy- who he guessed was Liam and Niall- hovering over him, yelling at him. Louis choked back the tears in his eyes, "leave him the fuck alone," he demanded. He was then grabbed by the wrist and pulled away, "come with me," he heard." Louis tried to escape the grip that the counselor had him in, but it was no use, "looks like you can spend the rest of today and the night in the detention center."


"Hey Mark," Louis spoke with disgust in his voice, "what happened Louis," he asked, actually sounding like he cared for once. "They're making me call you because I've gotten into multiple fights and they're mad at me for some reason," he explained, "Louis you know what you did," the counselor argued.

He rolled his eyes and listened to his step-father speak, "I'm surprised this call didn't happen earlier," he chuckled making Louis sneer through the phone. "If you knew this would happen, why did you still insist on me coming here," he yelled, "I wanted you to get some experience with other boys your age." Louis looked offended, yet again, by Mark, "fuck you," he said and hung up the phone. The counselor glared at him, "no profanity," Louis laughed, "whatever."


Louis sat in the chair staring at the walls waiting for someone to come in and question him. "Okay Mr. Tomlinson," the person said upon entry, pulling a chair into the room because their was only one in there. "Why exactly did you slap Mr. Devine," he asked, "because he sexually abused me, and his friend hurt Harry," Louis stated as calmly as he could. "Oh, I was told that you were the one that pushed Harry into the fence and you tripped Mr. Malik also," Louis stood up, "why would I hurt my own roommates," please sit down, we figured that you didn't like them or something."

Louis refused to sit, "they're the only ones in this fucking camp that I like. I would never hurt Harry. Maybe you dumbass counselors need to not be biased towards those fucking idiots." Louis plopped down in his seat almost letting his burning tears of anger fall, "I'm sorry Louis, but what you're saying isn't adding up to their story."

He started walking out of the room, "so what your saying is, Josh could've potentially raped me, and Harry could have a concussion, and you guys are just going to forget about it," Louis yelled. "Sorry Louis, I can't help you," the counselor closed the door, leaving Louis to silently sob into his hands.

He wanted to give the management a piece of his mind, he wanted to give Mark a piece of his mind. He wanted to fucking kill Liam for hurting his friend, but mostly he wanted to check on Harry and make sure he was okay. He wouldn't feel right if he couldn't interact with him in some way; he really missed the nature walks.

But none of that could happen because he was locked away in this creme coloured box, for defending himself. All he could do was cry and sleep, and that's what he did, all night long.

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