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  They think I'm crazy. They think I'm lying. But why would I lie about the things that's tutoring my mind? Maybe I am crazy.. That would be a better explanation. But in all honesty-I don't think I am.. When things happen.. I think I'm crazy. I question myself-and my sanity. The closer the her death date it gets.. The more weird it gets. They think I'm lying when I say-clearly freaked-that something touched me when no one was around. Something called my name when I'm alone-or walking away. They think I'm crazy when I say I see shadows. When I stop walking-stop whatever I'm doing and look around. It freaks me out. I see things-hear things even when I'm not home. That's when I question myself the most... I'm not crazy.. Am I? I know what I see. I know what I hear. I know what I feel. I don't know if I'm crazy.. But I know I'm not lying.
             I'm not a lair.

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