My Mind Episode 4

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"What do you mean?" I asked. "I'm sorry, there's so much I haven't told you, I truly am. But right now you need to gather your brother and sister and your ghosts friends." Alicia said.


"What are we doing here?" I asked. Alicia, Devilgirl, Wolf, Falcon, Tiger, Raven, Sarah, Mousey, Gwen, Anda, Yelly, and I were in the foyer, standing in front of the wall that was behind the stairs. Alicia got out a large rope, and lassoed it around an old stone gargoyle that was up high on the wall to the right, and pulled on it hard. Suddenly the wall in front of us split and moved apart to reveal a pair of old wooden doors. "What is this?" Tiger asked in disbelief. "A library." Alicia said, pushing open the double doors. The library was dark and musty, with a few lit candles. "Well, hello Alicia." Diesel said, looking up from a book. "Diesel? How'd you get in here?" Raven asked. "Secret passage in the basement." she said with a chuckle. "Alicia, what are we doing here?" I asked. "We need to find out your elements." she said. "With what?" Tiger asked. "The Whit." Alicia said. "What the hell is a Whit?" Thrax asked, coming up from behind me. "Gah! How'd you get in here?" I asked, nearly jumping out of my skin. "Same way you did. Didn't know you had such a...weird place, baby." he said. "Yeah, well, neither did I." I said. We came to the other side of the library (which was HUGE) and came to a door. Alicia opened it. It led to a weapons room. "Holy crap!" Wolf said, taking a 360 turn, looking at all of the odd weapons. "These would be perfect for killing Shadow Creatures!" she said in awe. I walked up to a lit case that held what looked like the handle of a whip. I read the card in front of it. "Elemental Whip" it said. 'Weird.' I thought. "Wolf! hurry up!" I yelled as we neared the other end of the large room. "Wait up!" Wolf ran up to us, still taken in by the weapons. Alicia opened the door, and it led down a narrow set of stairs. It was dark, and I nearly tripped twice. I could feel a strong magical surge. I knew it was The Whit. I suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of fear. I grabbed the nearest thing near me to keep from falling over, which unfortunately was Thrax's clawed hand. "Mmm, scared baby?" he whispered in my ear. "Yes..." I whispered. "Hmm..." I felt Thrax about to wrap his arm around me waist when Alicia opened another door, and we were greeted by a blinding light.


"Whoa..." Tiger said in awe. Floating in the middle of the room was a large orb. The Whit. On the floor was a larger circle with smaller circles all around the edge. It reminded me of the portal back in the Shadow Lands.

         Alicia held out her hand to The Whit and smiled, like she was seeing a friend for the first time in years. I could feel The Whit watching me. "What a wonderful looking bunch" a whispery voice said. It was all around us, and was neither male nor female. "I'm sure you've heard about Monique." Alicia said."Yes...yes..." The Whit said. "It is time for the young warriors to rise"

         Alicia gestured for us to step onto the small circles, which we all did, except for Thrax, Devilgirl, and Alicia. "Hmm...your powers are very strong child." The Whit said to Devilgirl. "Thank you." she said.

        Once we were all situated, The Whit let out a deep sigh. I felt power and magic flood over us. 

        I heard a gasp from Tiger. There were flames surrounding her arms, but they weren't burning her, and she was able to control them. The stone on her necklace turned firey red, and the cooled a bit. "You are of fire" The Whit said, as the circle Tiger was standing in turned orange. 

        "Whoa!" Raven yelled. She was creating a little tornado in the palm of her hand. Her stone turned white, with a hint of pink, like a pearl. "You are of air." Raven's circle turned pinkish white. 

        "Oh my gosh!" Wolf yelled. There was a small ball of light in her hand. "You are of light." Wold didn't have a stone but suddenly a white bracelet with a glowing yellow stone appeared on her wrist, and her circle glowed. 

        "Holy crap!" Falcon yelled. He was hovering over his circle. " are of flight." Suddenly a black ring with a wing shaped brown stone appeared on Falcons finger, his circle turning light brown. 

        Gwen gasped as a small flower bloomed in her hand. "You are of life." The Whit said. A tan bracelet with a light yellow stone appeared on Gwen's wrist, and her circle turned light yellow.

        "Wow" Anda had created a miniature moon and stars in her hand. "You are of the night." A black bracelet with a dark blue stone appeared on Anda's wrist, and her circle turned indigo. 

        There was the tinkling sound of bells as Yelly jumped up and down. She had tiny little animals in her hand. "Ah, you are of life." The Whit said. I yellow bracelet with a dark yellow stone appeared on Yelly's wrist, and her circle turned a darker shade of yellow. "Oooh!" Mousey had created a snowflake between her paws. "You are of snow" and a very small silver bracelet with a small white stone appeared on Mousey's wrist, and her circle turned white.

        "Awesome!" Sarah had a vine twisting up her arm with small flowers blooming. "You are of earth."  The Whit said. A brown necklace with a green stone appeared on Sarah's neck, her circle turning green. 

        "Wait, who's of water?" Wolf asked. "I am." Alicia said, smiling. 'Hm...I wonder what I'm going to be.'  I thought. I looked up at The Whit, then suddenly a shaodw, dark as night came at me and wrapped itself around me. I screamed. The creature screamed in my ears. "Mistwolf!" I heard the other yell. I also heard voices in my head. 'You will hurt everyone around you!' 'Go die!' 'You're Darkness!' "No! Shut up!" I yelled, grabbing my head with both hands. Finally the shadow left me. I collapsed on the floor and looked down at my stone. There was a swirl of black, and then it turned back to its normal peridot green.

        The Whit's orb body was shaking, like it was scared. "What...what was that?" I asked, as Alicia and Devilgirl helped me up. " are of darkness." The Whit said. My circle turned black, even though I wasn't standing in it. "What does that mean?" I asked weakly. "I'm not really sure." Alicia said.

        Suddenly I heard screaming from upstairs. "Something's happening. Come on!"


"Mama!" I heard Victoria scream. We burst through the library doors and into the foyer. I gasped. Edith was holding Tristen by the throat, floating about 6 feet off the ground. "Edith!" I yelled. She turned to me, and dropped Tristen. Edith went to the ground, and crawled over to me, then came up to her full height. She made one of those chittering sounds and stared at me for a moment. Then, she attacked me.

My Mind Episode 4Where stories live. Discover now