Chapter 2

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I screamed as Edith placed her hand over my face. Such a weird feeling. It was like numbness and pain at the same time.

        "Edith!" I heard Alicia yell. Obviously Edith didn't answer or react in anyway. "Hey! Crazy bitch!" I heard Tiger yell. That got Edith's attention. She left me and went after Tiger. "Oh, crap!" Tiger yelled. I couldn't see anything for a few moments, but slowly, the dark spots went away and I could see again. I didn't see Edith anywhere. "Stay away from the walls!" I yelled. "Why?" Valon asked. As he began to step away from the wall, Edith's arm came out of the wall and grabbed him. She came out of the wall and held Valon up in the air, acting like she was about to snap his neck. "Mama, no!" Victoria yelled, in tears. "Mama!" Lilly yelled, reaching out to her. Edith face softened and she floated closer to the ground. "Edith." I said reaching my hand out to her. "Don't do this." Edith floated till she was only a few inches off the ground. She dropped Valon, who crawled away, grasping at his blackened throat. Edith came back to me and looked at me. She looked sad. "Edith this isn't you." I said. And, as if I suddenly knew what to do, I placed my right hand over her forehead. My hand began to blacken, but I didn't care. I remembered all the time Edith had saved us, played with us. How nice she was. I tried to mentally put those memories into her mind. "Edith, this is you. A kind mother. Not a killer." I whispered. Edith whimpered in a way, and gently took my hand away from her forehead. Then suddenly, she placed her hand over my forehead. I gasped, and her hand moved down over my eyes. "Mist!" Raven yelled, about to run over to me with Tiger. "Wait." Alicia said, holding them back.

        Everything went black. Then suddenly, a long arm came into view, and it was holding what looked like one of those big knitting needles. The arm went away and the darkness turned into a scene. There was what looked like a church. Outside there were nuns, and children playing. Then the scene changed. I was inside the church, where there were more nuns. I realized I was seeing this from Edith's point of view, that this had happened. We started to walk up from behind one of the nuns who was turned away form us. The nun turned around, looking startled. She was holding a baby. Edith grabbed the baby, but the nun wouldn't let go. Finally Edith took the baby out of the nun's grasp. What happened next horrified me. Edith stabbed the nun in the chest, and where the nun was stabbed, the black markings Edith always made appeared on the nun's clothing, and then began to travel up her neck. The nun's eyes went black, and then she fell to the ground, dead. Edith saw herself in the mirror that was behind the nun. She looked as horrified as I felt, and she cried a little. Edith looked down at the baby, who was beginning to cry, looked horrified at Edith's long blood covered fingers. Then the scene behind them changed again. Edith was running through the woods, with the baby in her arms. She looked back to see a group of men chasing her. Edith continued to run until she came to a cliff. She walked to the edge of it, and looked back at the men, then looked down at the baby, who was still crying. Edith walked to the very edge of the cliff, then put her hand over the baby's face, making his skin turn black, like with the nun's. The baby cried out. And then, Edith jumped, head first. She was free falling for a few moments, and then, she hit  a branch. Everything went black for a second, and then I could see Edith's long arms, empty. And then, she fell into the lake.

        I gasped as I came back to reality. I couldn't see for a few moments, then the darkness left my eyes. Edith was there in front of me. But she didn't look the way she had.  She was back to being her nice normal self. She looked sad, like she was about to cry. "Mama..." Lilly went over and hugged her, along with Victoria. Edith hugged them back. "Edith..." I hugged her too. "The past is in the past." I said.

        Suddenly I heard a low growl from behind me. I turned around a gasped. It was that Shadow Wolf! She glared at us and continued to growl. Then she turned into dark smoke, and flew away in all directions.  

                     I sat there on the floor in a state of shock.

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