Chapter 3

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"What was that?" Raven asked, staring at the spot where the Shadow Wolf had been. "I..." I couldn't finish my sentence. "The Shadow Wolf is haunting us." Diesel said. "That's why all the ghosts are so out of whack?" Tiger asked. "Yes." Diesel said. "How do we get rid of it?" I asked, managing to get my voice back. "Is there something in the library, maybe?" Raven asked. "Probably. We haven't been able to completely go through it, it's very very big and there's contently new information coming into it." Alicia said. "What, like, new books and stuff just suddenly appear on the shelves?" Tiger asked. "Well...yes." Diesel said. "Well, let's go look. Maybe the book we need just appeared." I said.


The first place I went to was the card catalog. I picket cards that were among ghosts, demons, death, exorcism, Shadow Creatures, Shadow Demons, and Darkness. "O.k. This will be quicker if we split up, Tiger could you find everything on ghosts and demons?" I asked. "Sure!" I gave Tiger the card and she went off to find the books. "Raven. could you get death and exorcism?" I asked. "Yep!" I gave her the card and she went off. "Wolf, could you get Shadow Creatures and Shadow Demons?" I asked. "Yeppers!" she took the card and ran off. "And don't be spending all your time in that weapons room!" I called after her. "I'll look for books on Darkness." I said. "Alright. The rest of us will just look around, see if there's anything." Alicia said. She, Diesel, Devilgirl, Gwen, Anda, Yelly, Tea, Yugi, Joey, and Tristen went off in different directions. I went off down one aisle with Mousey on my shoulder. I found books on light, and then right next to them books on darkness. Most of them were leather bound, and all looked very old. I pulled out a very thick, heavy black book titled "History of Darkness in Home" It was covered in dust. Before I could open it, a hand grabbed my shoulder. "Gah!" both me and Mousey yelled, dropping the book. "Boo." Thrax said from behind me. "What the hell Thrax?" I asked. I bent over to pick up the book, but when I did some of the pages fell out. "Crap!" I began to pick up the dozens of pages. "Mmm...nice view baby." Thrax said from behind me. "Ooh!" I quickly stood up with the book and the pages. "I'd slap you so damn hard if I didn't need help with these books!" I growled. "Uncalled for dude." Mousey said. I slipped the pages back into the book and shoved it into Thrax's arms. "Whoa! thanks, baby." Thrax said. "Come on you weakling!" I said. I grabbed another book called "Tales of Darkness" and handed it to him. Thrax didn't complain. I grabbed five more books and handed them to him. "Hey, c'mon, you gotta carry some of these!" Thrax said. "Fine!" I said, taking two of the books. "I think this is all we need." I said. We began to walk back in silence. "Hey baby, are you alright, you know, from what happened with that big glowing ball?" Thrax finally asked me. "Yeah...I'm fine..." I said softly. We came to a big table where everyone else was, with all the books they had found. Me and Thrax set our books down on the table. "Alright, let the digging begin."


I started with "History of Darkness in Home" I figured there'd be something about this Monique woman in there. And there was. That's what it was mostly about. It talked about how she had lived with her sister Alicia in the mansion with her parents. How after Monique started using dark magic, and even killed her own parents, Alicia cast her out. but so much of this didn't fit in. How did Tiger, Raven, Wolf and Falcon fit into this? "Alicia?" I looked up at her. She froze the second she saw which book I was reading. "I thought I destroyed that book..." she said softly. "How do we figure into this?" I asked, not knowing if I really want the answer. "I knew I'd have to tell you girls someday..." Alicia said, sitting down. Raven, Tiger, Wolf and Falcon all put down their books and came over to us. "I'm so sorry. But I've lied to you for a long time." Alicia said. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Wolf, Falcon....I'm your mother." Alicia said. "What?!" Wolf shrieked. "Why didn't you tell us?" Falcon asked. "I..I had to hide things from you all. Tiger, Raven. You came through a portal about four years ago, neither of you remembered anything before that, but you both already had your stones, and I knew that when that happened, something big and bad was going to happen. I had to give you fake memories about living here your whole lives." Alicia said. "What? What the freaking hell?!" Tiger yelled. Raven just looked stunned for a few moments, then she gasped and tears started running down her cheeks. "Sweetie, I'm sorry." Alicia tried to dry her tears but Raven pushed her away. "What about me and Sarah?" I asked, feeling like I was going to faint. "You girls....are sisters."

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