Chapter 15

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V's Pov:

We were in class doing warm ups until we heard that we'll have to choose a song to dance to in front of the class.
I wanted to dance to "Boy In Luv" because it had a cool beat with cool moves. And also.... To show off for Uee hehe. I mean, we all love our girlfriends dearly. We would do anything for them. So, we all want to show everybody that they're lucky to have us as their boyfriends.
I started the discussion for us to do "Boy In Luv" but then it went on with them saying other songs until Jungkook brought up our newest song, "DNA".
After a couple of minutes of practicing, it was time to perform. We were up first and everyone, yes even guys was staring at us so lovely. I mean who wouldn't Fangirl/fanboy and die when they see us haha.
I glance at Ordinary Girls and their face seems to show that they're just tired. Poor girls.
When we were done, it was Ordinary Girls turn. I was excited to see their performance.
While they were dancing, I glance at Jungkook. He looks so focused so I looked at where he was looking and saw that he was staring at Sangki. Aish.... I know this is wrong for me to say even though he already has a girlfriend, but they're meant to be together. Not Jieun noona and him. But, Sangki and Jungkook.
Jungkook said it before.... He just wanted to forget his first love so he randomly chose Jieun noona. But, I guess it became easier since he loved Jieun, but I'm sure it wasn't love. He just probably loved her beauty. And ever since Sangki came, he was the definition of love.
In other words, he fell in love with Sangki at first sight. I know he did. He acts so differently and so serious.. He was too blind to realize that he loves Sangki. He likes to stay loyal to the person he loves and by the looks of it, he has 2 lovers. I can still tell he hasn't gotten over his first love. Well, first love can't be forgotten. It always remain there, in your memories.
After Ordinary Girls were done performing, it was marvelous! They danced so well and perfect! I loved their performance! *cough* after my girlfriend.
Then the bell ranged and it was time to go home. Yay!! I went to the guys and started to walk home.. But, Jungkookie told us to wait for him so we did. When he came back, we continued to walk home, but I just realize something. I forgot my dance notebook at my lockers. I take notes in hip pop class so I won't forget anything and I heard there was already going to be a test! UGH! So early~!
I quickly told the guys and ran back into school while telling them to go home first.
I got to my dance locker and opened the lock to get my dance notebook. When I was about to leave, I heard a grunt. The voice was familiar.... And it's a female voice.
I followed the sound of pain? And I was surprised mixed with anger. Flash Girls were beating up Sangki!! What the hell?! I knew something was going to happen today, but not something like this. I mean, I had a feeling that Jieun noona was planning something bad ever since Ordinary Girls came, but I was too dumb to know anything else. I feel so bad so I acted quick and recorded their conversation. I felt bad for not being there just yet, but knowing Jieun's evil mind. She's really up to something and we'll need this evidence. To be honest, I know everything about Jieun. The guys too except Jungkook. He was pretty new in the band before we debuted and when his eyes landed on Jieun, he started to like her, but we now know Jieun was just a distraction for Jungkook. That time, we really thought he liked her so we didn't want to hurt him and let him go after her. But, now that he's just using her for his broken heart, he's just being friendly yet lovely to her. He still didn't know anything about Jieun yet and we want him to find out himself because her real self we'll be revealed soon.
I came back to reality as I see Jieun going after Sangki's face. So I stopped recording and went after Jieun. Once they saw me, they were surprised, but Jieun just smirked afterwards. I started to scold and lecture each of one them for hurting Sangki and I can see they don't care and neither did I. I went to Uee and broke off our relationship. I was hurt for sure, but not as much as Sangki. She's in so much pain. I quickly helped Sangki up and started to walk home after those evil girls were gone and asked her some questions.

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