4. Morning Sickness

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It was a typical Sunday morning, you and Johnny were still laying in bed, he was still sound asleep, he was laying on his side facing you with one hand on your stomach, everything was perfect. 

Until, your stomach decided that it wasn't, and it started to churn, making you feel nauseous, very nauseous. Thats when you jumped up, waking up Johnny as well, as you ran to the toilet to empty to contents of your stomach as you cry.

"I wish you didnt have to go through this love,I'm so sorry" he says as he rubs circles  on your back. "It's okay,  it'll be worth it." you sob. 

You empty your stomach once again, this time Johnny is ther holding back your hair. " Lets get you cleaned up baby."  he says as he helps you get up. As he kneels down "Baby please stop making mummy sick, i don't like seeing her sick." he says to your stomach as he kisses it. Which makes your cry even more, because you are an emotional mess. He helps you brush you teeth, and he undresses you so you can have a  bath. You hop into the bath and he sits there while holding your hand. " Thank you Johnny" you say, "Anything for you and our baby, you know that." he says as he rubs your hand slightly, knowing that he will sacrifice everything for his little family.

hey guys! i hope your enjoying it so far! 

Leave your gender predictions and names down in the comments!

lots of love 


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