8. Cravings

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"Baby! I'm going to the shops on the way home! Is there anything you need?" Johnny yells from across the house, "(y/n)?" He asks. He walks into the kitchen to find you scrummaging through the cupboards and fridge, "what do you need love?" He asks "WE DONT HAVE ANY PICKLES!" You exclaim. "Baby, can you please get pickles, peanut butter, mayo, noodles and onion? Oh and Oreos?" You ask with puppy dog eyes.
"Baby you sure you want to eat all of that?" He asks.
"I don't want it, baby does" you say as you kiss your husband goodbye before he goes to work, "I love you Johnny!!" You yell "I love you too baby girl!!" He yells back.
*later that day*
A car pulls up the drive,  and you run out "DID YOU GET EVERYTHING BABY?" You say as you jump into his arms.
"Of course Baby" He says as he kisses you. You grab the bags and run, you get to the kitchen and you get the mayonnaise out and the pickles and start to eat them combined.
"If baby wants it baby gets it" You say.
You awake suddenly, with hands on your enlarged baby bump, "what do we want?" You say to yourself, little knowing Johnny is behind you. "Daddy will be worried we are up at this time, but he will understand hat we are always hungry" You say "anything for my baby" he says.
"Oh hey j why you up?" You ask, " I heard you talking when you got up, you are so adorable," He says with a kiss " you really do eat the strangest things."

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