Wolf Awakens

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Fox walked around his room wondering why Wolf would even consider saving him. Maybe Wolf just wanted to kill Fox himself? No. That couldn't be it. He wouldn't have brought him back to the Great Fox. He would've finished him off as soon as he pulled Fox out of the ruins. Then why? Why did his rival save his life?

"Fox, he's waking up!!" Slippy screamed as he ran past Fox's room.

Fox headed towards the medbay. As soon as he stepped towards the medbay door a familiar voice caught his attention.

"Fox.." The blue Vixen said with slight worry.

"Krystal..whats wrong?" Fox asks as the blue Vixen looks down.

"Fox I don't think this is a good idea. Wolf is dangerous. Keeping him here to heal might backfire on us." Krystal says as she looks in the medbay window at the somewhat conscious Lupine.

"Wolf saved my life Krystal. I owe him this much. Besides..I need answers from him." Fox says as he opens the medbay door but is pulled back.

"Just be careful Fox." Krystal says embracing him.

"I will. I promise." Fox reassures his teammate and walks into the medbay with Krystal close behind.

Wolf looks up. He looks up at Fox. "You barely even have a scratch on you." The lupine says.

"Yeah.. Thanks to you saving my life. Which is actually what I wanted to talk to you about." Fox sits in a chair next to Wolf's bed.

"I don't have to answer that if I don't want too." Wolf says as he turns his attention towards Krystal who is now eyeing him down.

"It's in your best interest to answer my questions Wolf. Not only are you outnumbered but you are also injured." Fox says as he stares at Wolf's wounds.

"The only reason I saved you is because I'd rather kill you myself." Wolf says with blank expression.

'If he wanted to kill me he would've done so and headed back to the Sargasso Station and got his wounds treated.' Fox thought to himself. He didn't see any reason to argue. Upsetting Wolf could end in more pain on himself or pain on Fox and his team.

Krystal looked at Wolf suspiciously. She knew he was lying thanks to her telepathy. Wolf stared back. He had completely forgotten that Krystal could read minds. But to be honest he wasn't so sure why he saved Fox himself.

Peppy walked in the medbay and stood next to Krystal. "Should I tell him or should you tell him?" Peppy asks.

"You should tell him." Krystal says and looks at Wolf who was looking at both of them confused.

"Mr.O'Donnell..we highly thank you for saving our leaders life and returning him to us without..well killing him. But due to you being a wanted man we have no choice but to claim you as our prisoner of war. We-" Fox cut Peppy off.

"Wait what?! Why wasn't I informed of this? If anyone should make that decision it's me!" Fox says as he points to himself.

"Calm down Fox. We knew you would have mixed feelings on this so we had to make the decision ourselves. Now where was I..ah yes. Mr.O'Donnell our demands are simple. We will have you treated and fed until we land on Corneria. We will then turn you into General Pepper. He will decide on what happens to you." Peppy explains to the lupine.

"So that's it huh? I just get thrown away after saving your leaders life? Wow. Just wow. Absolutely no mercy." Wolf says with an angry look on his face.

Peppy looks at Krystal and nods. He motions for Krystal to follow him. Krystal looks at Fox and gives him a 'I'm sorry' look before leaving with Peppy.

"Wolf I'm going to talk to them about this. I won't have you put into General Pepper's custody." Fox says as he sits down.

"Why the hell do you care what happens to me? If you wanted you could throw me out into space and let me die." Wolf shouts and looks away accepting his defeat.

"I care because you saved my life. You could've killed me but you didn't. I owe you this much." Fox says as he puts a hand on Wolf's shoulder.

Wolf pulls away from Fox's hand. "Just let me be." Wolf says.

Fox nods with a guilty expression on his face as he gets up and walks toward the door. Before leaving he turns to Wolf and sees the lupine's head hanging low.

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