Day Out

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The sun was shining through the windows, lighting up the entire room. Wolf slowly opened his eyes and sat up to stretch. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. hit him. He wasn't dead. Fox didn't kill him while he slept. Wolf got up and decided to play the charade a little longer. He walked out the room and down the stairs only to find Fox cooking. Wolf sniffed the air and accidentally let out a loud sigh. Fox turned around.

"Oh. Good morning! I was beginning to think you were gonna sleep in today." Fox said as he scrambled some eggs and flipped some pancakes.

"What time is it?" Wolf asked and sat down at the table.

"12:47. You must've been pretty tired." Fox said as he put some eggs and pancakes onto two plates and handed one to Wolf along with a fork. Wolf sniffed the food and started to drool. He aggressively stabbed the eggs with his fork and swallowed it whole. Wolf noticed Fox was staring.

"Um..sorry.." Wolf said as he slowed down.

"No. It's fine. Whatever makes you comfortable." Fox said as he picked at his food and ate small bites. Wolf shrugged and continued to eat. He ate pretty fast but not as fast as before. The words that came out of Fox's mouth next almost made Wolf choke.

"So I thought we could have a day out today. You know just the two of us." Fox continued to pick at his food.

Wolf looked up at the vulpine. Something about those words made him feel weird on the inside. "Um..sure. I don't have anything better to do." Wolf said as he finished up his food.

"Great! Go get dressed. You can borrow whatever I have in the dresser. I'll meet you outside." Fox said with a smile and picked up both of their plates and brought them to the sink.

Wolf went through the dresser not finding anything that might fit him. His body build was bigger than Fox's. He finally decided on a black T-shirt with black jeans. Hopefully Fox wouldn't chew him up for dressing like..trouble again.

Wolf walked outside and saw Fox standing on the sidewalk. "I'm ready to go.." Wolf said.

"Alright. Come on." Fox said and started to walk. Wolf at his side.

"So where are we even going?" Wolf asked.

"You'll see." Fox said with a mysterious tone.

After a few streets of houses and buildings, Fox turned to a movie theater. There only 2 people in line so it wouldn't be a long wait.

"Your taking me to see a movie?" Wolf asked.

"Yeah. I know it's kind of..well dumb but my favorite movie is playing and I'd like you to see it with me." Fox said as he moved up and paid for two tickets.

"It isn't just seems like something you'd do with Krystal." Wolf said, blushing a little.

"What do you mean with Krystal?" Fox asked while holding the door open for Wolf.

"You date.." Wolf said looking embarrassed.

Fox chuckled. "This isn't a date. And I wouldn't take Krystal out on a date either. She's like family to me." Fox said, blushing at what Wolf had just said.

"Yeah well she has the hots for you." Wolf said and nudged Fox's arm.

"Yeah..I know." Fox said as he turned to a door and motioned for Wolf to follow.

Fox sat down in the second row with Wolf sitting next to him. The movie began to play. The title saying Lylats Lost Planet. Fox rested his hand on the armrest only to feel another hand on top of his. Fox looked at Wolf and blushed.

"Sorry." Wolf apologized and moved his hand.

"It's fine. You can use the armrest if you want." Fox said and moved his hand.

"No. I insist you use it." Wolf argued. This continued on for most of the movie. A lot of people starting to get annoyed with the two arguing. They decided to leave and go do something else.

"Hey I know a great chill out spot!" Fox said and pulled Wolf along. Turning lots of corners and going through at least 3 alleys. They ended up at a dead end alleyway. Nothing except a ladder which Fox started to climb motioning for Wolf to climb up with him. Wolf followed..although having the thought of Fox throwing him off a building didn't make this a chill out spot.

"What do you think? You can see half of the city from up here!" Fox exclaimed. And indeed you could see half of the city. It was a long climb. They weren't climbing a skyscraper but you still got a decent view. But it was high enough to die from falling. And that's what worried Wolf the most.

"It's..pretty cool." Wolf said looking over the edge. Fox sat on the ledge and looked at all the buildings. Wolf sat next to him. It was a pretty view but the thought of being killed still lingered in his head. It's not like he was afraid of death. He just wouldn't want to die at the hands of his rival.

"You father used to show me all these amazing views when I was young." Fox said.

"Oh.." Wolf nodded. He knew what happened to Fox's father and didn't want to go into details and end up hurting Fox. He didn't know why he cared so much about it..but he did.

"Hey wolf.." Wolf was brought back to reality by Fox's voice.

"What's up?" The lupine asked and looked at the vulpine.

"What..what was your dad like?" Fox asked and looked Wolf in the eyes. Wolf's father wasn't someone he liked to think about. He was a cruel person.

" dad wasn't anything like your dad. He was strict. He wanted me to be the new leader of Star Wolf when he died. He did whatever it took for that to happen. He would beat me if I cried...nothing I did was good enough in his eyes. I got straight A's in the academy and he still didn't care. He'd beat all of the emotion out of me. He used to say emotion was a weakness and I'd be better off without it." Wolf tried to fight back tears. He looked away and shut his one good eye.

"God..Wolf I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean-" Wolf got up.

"I have to go." Wolf said and started walking towards the ladder but was turned around and embraced by the vulpine. Fox held tightly for a minute. He then realized what he did and let go. He turned around and apologized. For some reason Fox didn't like to see Wolf in pain. He hated to admit it but he was attached to Wolf. Maybe even attracted to him. Wolf turned Fox around and pulled him close until their muzzles touched. Fox went wide eyed. He was confused...but he didn't care. He wrapped his arms around Wolf and pulled him closer. Wolf broke the kiss after a minute.

"Fox.." Wolf said breathing heavily. "Fox I..I..I-" Fox pulled him in for another kiss.

"I love you too." Fox said as he rested his head against Wolf's chest.

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