Lust In His Eyes

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Wolf opened his eyes. He stretched his arms out and felt around the bed. He didn't feel Fox next to him.

"God damn it. I thought I told him to stay in bed until I woke up." Wolf sighed and got up to go look for Fox. He was knocked back onto the bed with a punch to the face. He looked up and saw...Fox.

"What the hell?! Why'd you punch me?!" Wolf shouted.  Fox got on top of Wolf. He gripped Wolf's shirt with one hand and landed a a few punches to Wolf's face with the other. Wolf grabbed Fox's arm and held it in the air.

"Fox...why..?" Wolf looked into Fox's eyes.

"I NEVER loved you. You let your emotions blind you. You've gone soft." Fox said with anger in his eyes. Wolf couldn't believe what he was hearing.

" faked everything?" Wolf's heart was shattering. He was slowly dying inside.

"Everything. I was never your friend and I was never your boyfriend." Fox's words broke his heart. He didn't want to believe it. How could he be so blind? His eye started to tear up.

"Cry. Cry like the child you are!" Fox broke free of Wolf's grasp and punched Wolf across his face. This couldn't be happening. For the first time..Wolf actually loved someone. He was happy. He allowed the tears to fall. Fox raised his fist. Wolf struggled to get free.

"Wolf!" Fox shouted. Wolf opened his eyes to see the vulpine next to him. Fox was gripping Wolf's arm and shaking it. Wolf pushed him back and kicked him in the stomach.

"What the hell was that for?!" Fox shouted as he held his stomach. Wolf finally realized it was all just a dream. More like a nightmare. Wolf got up and sat at the edge of the bed.

"I'm..I'm sorry.." Wolf looked down. His heart was still in pain. The dream felt so real. He hoped that dream would stay a dream. Fox wrapped his arms around Wolf's sides.

"What's wrong? You were saying my name in a panic while you slept." Fox rested his chin on his lovers shoulder.

" you actually love me?" Wolf asked. He didn't dare look Fox in the eyes. He couldn't get the image of all the anger Fox had in his eyes.

"What? Of course I love you." Fox nuzzled Wolf's neck. "Why would you think I didn't love you?" Fox asked.

"It''s nothing. I just need some time alone." Wolf got up and left Fox's room. Wolf walked down the corridor. He believed Fox. But..a part of him was terrified that the dream was right. Maybe Fox didn't actually care about him.

Great Fox - Bridge

Fox walked down the hall. It's been about an hour and there was no sign of Wolf anywhere. He heard something that sounded like someone hitting a punching bag. He walked towards the training room. He could only assume that's where the sound was coming from. He peeked inside and saw Wolf throwing a fury of punches at the punching bag. Should he try to talk to him? Wolf did say he needed time alone. But Fox was worried. He was afraid Wolf might be having second thoughts about this relationship.

"Hey pup." Wolf's voice broke Fox's train of thought.

"Hey..I'm sorry to disturb. I was just..nevermind. I'm gonna go." Fox turned away from the training room.

"Wait. Let's do some sparring." Wolf said.

"What? Why?" Fox asked.

"Just for the hell of it. Come on McCloud. Just because your my boyfriend doesn't mean I won't kick your ass." Wolf mocked him. Fox thought about it for a moment.

"Bring it on!" Fox said and walked toward toward Wolf. They both got in their fighting stance, just waiting to see who'd throw the first punch. Wolf saw Fox's right arm move. He held up his arm for a more secure defense and blocked a punch, Fox followed it up with an elbow thrust to Wolf's chest. Fox threw another punch which Wolf blocked and countered with a kick to Fox's side. Fox stumbled but immediately regained his senses. Wolf jumped in the air and flipped over Fox. Before Fox could react, Wolf grappled him from behind. Fox struggled to get free. Wolf smirked. He found it cute seeing Fox like this. All helpless. There was no way Fox would be lying about loving him. Wolf spun Fox around and swiped up Fox's chest with his claws. Fox closed his eyes and waited to feel the burning pain of Wolf's claws slice his skin. But it never came. He opened his eyes to see his shirt ripped to shreds and Wolf staring at him. Wolf had lust in his eyes as he looked Fox up and down.

"You got a nice body pup.." Wolf said with a smirk. Fox blushed under his fur. Wolf grappled Fox and pinned the vulpine to the ground. Wolf pressed his muzzle against Fox's, kissing him deeply.

"Wolf..." Fox muttered.

"Yes?" Wolf moved in close. His muzzle just inches away from Fox's.

"Do you love me?" Fox asked. Wolf looked into Fox's eyes. Everytime Wolf looked into those emerald eyes he felt warmth and feelings he couldn't express.

"No." Wolf's answer surprised Fox.

"W-what..please tell that you're joking." Fox said. Wolf had to be joking.

"I'm not joking. I don't love you." Wolf replied with a straight face. Fox couldn't believe this.

"Oh.." Fox turned his head.

"I love you with all my heart. I love you more than anyone I ever loved in my entire life." Wolf said with a smirk. Fox looked at lupine.

"You almost had me in tears." Fox said and punched Wolf playfully.

"Yeah...but you still love me." Wolf said and kissed the vulpine. Wolf blocked out the thoughts of his nightmare. He knew Fox loved him. They shared a kiss for a few minutes and decided to leave the training room before anyone either passes by or walks in.

Great Fox - Fox's Room

Fox had to get a new shirt since Wolf ruined the last one. Wolf laid on the bed and watched the vulpine as he looked through the closet.

"You should keep your shirt off. You look better like that." Wolf said and chuckled.

"Yeah I'd rather have something to hide my body." Fox said and continued to search for something to wear.

"Aw come on! I like your body." Wolf said and got up. He hugged Fox from behind and kissed the vulpine's neck. Fox removed Wolf's arms from around him so he could put on a grey T-shirt.

"Well you'll be seeing a lot of my body when we land on Zoness." Fox turned and pulled Wolf close.

"You mean.." Wolf was shocked. He wanted to have sex with Fox. But he didn't want to end up ruining the relationship by doing it so early.

"Yeah. I mean if you want.." Fox pressed his head against Wolf's and smiled.

"I do..but I don't want you to think I'm using you for sex." Wolf said.

"I know you aren't using me for sex. If you were then you would've tried to do it with me by now. Besides..I want it just as bad as you do." Fox smiled and kissed the lupine.

"Can I fuck you in front of the entire resort? I'll show everyone that you belong to me." Wolf smirked and laughed a little.

"Um no..But I'll get us a nice hotel room. I'd rather have my first time with you be private." Fox smiled trying to hold back his laughter. Wolf groaned.

"Fiiiine...but if the hotel room has a balcony then I'm doing you on it." Wolf kissed the vulpine's neck.

"Fine. If we get one..we'll do it on the balcony." Fox laughed.

"Hey! I didn't ask you if we could. I said we would." Wolf replied. Clearly trying to prove his dominance. Fox laughed. Fox started to get curious about something.

"Hey...what exactly were you dreaming about this morning?" Fox wanted to know why Wolf acted the way he did when he awoke from his dream.

"That dream doesn't matter. It'll soon be replaced with all the wet dreams I'll be having of you." Wolf said with lust in his eye.

"So every night you'll be dreaming of fucking me huh..well I can make that a reality every night." Fox said and gripped Wolf's shirt, pulling him close.

"Nah...most of my dreams will be of me spending as much time with you as possible." Wolf smiled and kissed the vulpine. Wolf thought his nightmare had some sort of truth in it. And it did. But it didn't mean Fox didn't love him. It in fact taught Wolf that he should fight for what he loved when either his emotions or someone tries to take it away from him. And right now, he loved Fox. That's all that mattered to him right now.

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